Just A Spark

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For Maddy: How's this for a little bug being brave?

If you look at life a certain way, you'll notice certain things. But if you were to look at it another, those same things would be missed and most likely swept under the rug while you're busy noticing something else. That's how I felt about certain people in my life. I had been looking in the right place at just the right time, and there they were.

That was basically how it happened when I met the very first girl I'd ever truly love. I was sitting in Vector Arena waiting for a Paramore concert to start. I was all alone after my friends had bailed on our trip up north. I wasn't really expecting anything, but I was looking in the right place at the right time and I got the chance to jump. And it's scary when you jump like that but you either go with it or you get really hurt. Even if you do go with it, you can still get hurt but that's what life is. A series of jumps when you get really hurt but eventually you find the right reason to jump and you never truly land. That's what my mind was telling me on that night anyway.


"You look really bored!" A soft voice says to me. Looking up, I'm instantly mesmerised. I'm sure that I'm looking directly into the eyes of a goddess; she's like something from out of this world and the next. Short golden locks frame her angelic face. She pokes tongues at me, flashing an apparent tongue piercing and I feel my stomach jump. I almost forget I have to reply she's so beautiful.

"No, no. I'm fine." I stammer out; completely taken aback this beautiful girl is even talking to me. Then she smiles at me and I swear my heart skips a beat. She could have cured cancer with that smile, even that's probably understating it! I don't normally feel nervous around anyone but she has my heart racing and stomach full of butterflies. She looks back towards the guy she's with so I try and figure out their relationship when I notice something... He's blind. The way they're talking, I'm also 90 percent sure they're family. At least, that's what I'm hoping.

I thought I was set for another spell of awkward loneliness until the lights began to dim and like an unkindness of ravens the crowds behind me started to swarm towards the stage. I leap up and charge forward with them, soon realising I'm charging at a wall of unmoving people. I manage to stop myself before crashing and when the crowd settles, the lights are off, I look to my left and looking back at me is the pretty smile of the goddess-like blonde.

In that moment I had a single clear thought. 'Stick with her. She seems like good people.' So I shuffle through the crowd slightly, getting close enough so we aren't touching but it's a concert so we're pretty much touching. When I look back the way I came, the awkward brother and sister had followed close behind. So there I was, sandwiched between two sets of awkward siblings, the opening act about to come on.

The crowd erupts, screaming and clapping at the lone figure walking out onto the stage. I don't know a single song of theirs but my heart starts racing as the opening few beats of Twenty One Pilots first song pumps through the arena. It's something I've never experienced before and not in a good way.

It's hard to even try understanding what exactly it was I was watching and listening to but every time I looked toward the blonde beauty, her face said everything I couldn't. Her frown of mock agony was the best description. Her eyes catch mine and we burst into laughter.

"They're interesting!" She says to me, still laughing.

"Yeah, they're really... something!" I reply, making us both laugh even harder. I look to the stage and when I look back, her lips are pursed in a tight smile, tongue-piercing flicking the length of her lips. 'That is NOT fair!' I think to myself. We watch the performance, not even feigning interest and spending most of the time laughing and hoping it would be over soon. And to our relief, it was!

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