Prologue: 1985

422 18 7

November 1985


"Michael! Mother is going to be mad if you break something!" I yelled at my four year old brother, who was playing soccer inside the house. Mom had left us home alone for the night since she was working late at the hospital so I, being the oldest one, had to stay home and babysit.

"Clara can you keep the midget quiet. I'm trying to finish my science project and he keeps making a lot of noise!" Arthur said as he stood in the living room doorway.

"If you haven't noticed the midget doesn't listen to me, he's broken almost every plate we have." I said as I laid in the couch with the remote in my hand. "Why are you even working on your science project if it isn't due until two months? You have tons of time to do it."

Arthur rolled his eyes. "When I graduate with a higher GPA than you and get into one of the tops universities you'll see why I did my projects early." He said.

"When you never get married and end up dying alone you'll see why I wasn't always worried about school. You can be social and go out without failing your classes and having a high GPA."

"Whatever, so why did you agree to babysit Michael anyways?" He asked suspiciously. "Whenever mom asks you to babysit you either complain all day or pay me to do it meanwhile you go out with your friends."

"I need mom to be in a good mood so I can go to the homecoming dance next weekend." I admitted.

"I knew there was a reason."

"Shut up." I threw a cushion at him and he ducked it.

'Clara I'm bored!" Michael complained as he kicked the ball and it almost hit me.

I groaned as I got up from the couch and walked over to Michael, who was sitting on the carpet. "What do you want to do kiddo?" I asked since I was getting bored too.

He seemed to be thinking about it and I looked at Arthur who was still standing in the doorway. "What?" I asked.

"I just can't seem to understand how you are way nicer to Michael than you were ever to me when we were kids. You used to put gum all over my hair."

"I was five and you were my annoying three year old brother who loved to follow me around everywhere!"

"Yeah because I looked up to you, my big sis."

"Like I said, I was five." I said feeling bad.

"Hide-and-seek! I want to play hide-and-seek!" Michael exclaimed and I looked at him as he stood up and jumped around excitedly.

"Mike it's to late to play hide-and-seek outside and if we play in the house we might break something. Mom won't be happy if we break anything else." I said trying to convince him to choose something else.

He pouted. "I want to play hide-and-seek....please!" He begged.

"Michael I already said-"

"I'll play to." Arthur interrupted me. "Meanwhile you count I'll keep an eye on Michael."

I looked at the clock which said it was a bit after seven then outside to the backyard. It was already dark and I didn't want Michael to get dirty or hurt but I knew he would start crying if I didn't agree. "Fine, we'll play." I said as I looked at Michael. "But only one game then we're coming inside and you are taking a shower. Do you promise?" I asked him.

"Yes!" He giggled enthusiastically then grabbed my hand and pulled me to the sliding doors leading to the backyard. "Lets play!"

I turned back to Arthur who was following and whispered. "You better keep a good eye on him because if not i'll put so much gum in your hair you'll have to go bald."

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