Chapter 6

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Angie's P.O.V.

A: Pablo excuse us 

P: Yeah sure 

I took Jack out side with me so we can speak outside alone he is really getting on my last nerve lately with telling my family he doesn't understand i'm not ready to tell them yet and he doesn't understand that in France he kept telling me every day to tell them the truth and go back to my family 

A: Jack come on i'm not ready to tell them anything please understand me I don't know how they'll react to all these so please stop trying for me to tell them I will tell them when i'm ready or when I fell that the time is ready 

Violetta's P.O.V.

I don't know sometimes I fell that Angie is hiding something that's why she doesn't wanna stay here in Buenos Aires with me or is that she hates me but why wouldn't she stay here with me her niece why when I was thinking I saw Angie dragging Jack outside the studio so I decided to follow them then I heard Angie speacking 

A:Jack come on i'm not ready to tell them anything please understand me I don't know how they'll react to all this so please stop trying for me to tell them I will tell them when i'm ready or when I fell that the time is ready

J: Angie you have to tell them they need to know why you left 

A: I left here because I couldn't handle it no more Jack 

J: Okay Angie that was one reason but you know the other reason 

A: Okay jack please just stop I don't know how they'll react if their hate me  or be happy or

J: Angie if their really your family they will understand you and why you left because you were scared 

A: Jack I left because what I did it was just a huge mistake but it also wasn't and you know why and yeah I was scared to and i'm still scared 

J: Angie I will always be here for you no matter what happens okay 

A: thanks i'm sorry for being like this 

J: It's okay but can we just tell Violetta because she thinks you hate her and she looks sad about it

A: I don't kn

I decided to jump in before she finshed 

V: Angie just tell me please 

A: Fine Vilu but not here when you are finshed with the studio come to my house 

V: okay Angie

Angie's P.O.V.

I can't believe I just told Violetta I was gonna tell her everything today but I have to she needs to know everything about this baby it is her sibbling isn't it I wen't back in the studio to see German and Pablo fighting 

A: What the heck are you two  fighting about 

P: He can't do his job right


P: When you left he became the accountent of the studio

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