The Daughter of Evil

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      Once upon a time in another place. There was an evil kingdom ruled by a Princess only the age, 14. Her abode was littered with fancy furniture, the horse named Josephine, and her servant who's likeness showed. All of these are the riches she had claimed. 

    This Evil Princess's name was Rin and she would take money from those that she would dangle from a string. those who want to bring her down would pay for her things. they would just die and feed her the same anyway.

    The story starts with the Princess in love with a man of blue who wasn't a fan of her. Before the Princess could ever get close to this prince he chose the countries neighbor, The Green country. Her eyes shone like a perl and her hair of deep green. when the princess figured this out she was filled with rage. she called for her minister and said "Make sure the Green country is badly stirred"

     Houses were burned, people died, and those in so much pain received no pity from the evil Princess. she just sat on her rear and drank her tea.

    to defeat Princess Rin was no easy task. the people could no longer hide as they followed the red lady mercenary into the night. all that anger that built up over the years now consumed the people which shaded their fear. 

    the people rioted and this started the Green war. the Princess's side became weaker and weaker until she finally fell. the servants fled as time was short away into the night. As the Princess was caught.

     The church bells rang as people gathered round. the Princess was sentenced to death by her head being chopped off. Now everyone speaks of Rin without a second thought. her cruelty and evil once ruled the land and now the land is at peace at last.  

-This is just my translation of the story, sorry if it doesn't make sense. i tried to make it sound a bit medieval-

Daughter of evil:

The Story of Evil (Kagamine Rin and Len)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz