Legend of the Shinning Forehead (a Blood Ink Side story)

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    There are plenty of weird stories that surround our school. Most of them have something to do with the undead and souls who couldn’t find rest.

  The ‘crying lady’ from the main building, the headless teacher in the math department, the janitor in the gym who lost his eye in a freak accident – some of the PE teachers would describe it as an empty socket where dark-colored blood oozed from. There were also a few accounts about the group of nuns, floating near the main building at exactly four in the morning. The nuns wore black, had huge rosaries they strapped on as belts and left a trail of blood whenever they hovered above the steps of the chapel. I could also describe to you other creepy stuff that happens inside the chem. Lab, but that had left other students traumatized – like the crying fetus inside the jar, or the beaker that bubbled intermittently whenever the name “Margarette” was mentioned. . .

    And then there’s the legend of the shinning forehead.

     The Shinning Forehead roamed about the corridors especially during the daylight and keeps a watchful eye on classes and students. It happened a few years back, before I even entered highschool. It was a little later, after closing hour and Ms Claire, our Civics teacher, went back to the office for her planner.

    A sudden power shortage – and then everything was black.

    Ms Claire, as she told over and over again, began to tremble and sobbed in fright. She groped around, avoiding and hitting a few tables … and then … a shiny object appears before her. It was floating above the cubicles, a few inches from where Ms Claire had stood. She froze, her mind being bombarded by innumerable grizzly images…

   ‘Civics teacher hacked to death, found on top of her planner’… ‘A Young, Beautiful teacher, whose been single all her life was found lifeless at a known private school’ … ‘Teacher who dedicated her life in the service of the teaching profession, fished out from the Meluna’s Lake under San Antonio bridge’ … etcetera…

  She went rigid and felt the hairs on her neck stand up, and then hairs on her knees and arms, when the shiny object bounced to and fro.

  A sort of primitive instinct – a great need to survive came flooding down on Ms Claire’s veins…she began to move again, little by little, starting with her thumbs and then her entire right hand was able to grab a cold metal object.

  If this was a real ghost, it wouldn’t matter how much she’d strike it. If it were a sort of elemental being, or a creature of the earth, she could only end up with horrid curses. She decided to listen to her gut-whirling fear anyway, and went berserk over the shiny thing.

  Now the next part of the story was greatly from our nurse, Mrs Gomez, who described it with fits of laughter everytime some one would bring the story up.

  Ms Claire was in complete shock. The principal had scratch marks all over his face and a bruise on his forehead. The bruise was caused by a big-sized stapler that was hurdled at him with every bit of intention to kill, maim, or whatever Ms Claire had thought fitting for his shiny forehead.  The legend has since then, been passed around and whenever the principal would arrive, Ms Claire would run to a room or corner for God knows what reason.

  The incident had then convinced the school board to put up an emergency lighting system.

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