eight: coffee shop soundtrack more like coffee shop squad up im so tired

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brendon pulled up in front of lynn's house five minutes later, slamming his fist down on the car horn for about fifteen seconds straight before alexa slapped him and lynn walked out onto her porch. she gave a small wave and came down the stairs.

before she reached the car, alexa turned to brendon and quickly asked, "do i look hot?"

"yeah, you look daddy as fuck."

alexa snorted as lynn got into the backseat, sitting in the middle. "hi!" she said in a cute, excited voice as she put on her seat belt. 

"hey, ready to go?" alexa asked, turning to face her. 

"born ready." 


alexa, lynn and brendon were sitting at one of the booths in the empty coffee shop, laughing their asses off as lynn finished up telling them a story. "so, yeah, that's the story of the time a guy told me i was a witch and i threw a rock at him and his friend thought it was some kind of spell that i put on him and he nearly passed out." 

brendon was nearly on the fucking floor, crying while alexa, also laughing, was trying to pull him back into the booth. "brendon, bren, get back up here you fucker!" alexa wheezed as the workers began to stare at them. "brendon, you dumbass, they're staring at us!"

"let them stare, bitch, that was fucking funny!" 

alexa pushed him back under the table as lynn watched her, laughing quietly and smiling from ear to ear. alexa's mind was swimming with all these gay thoughts about this girl and she didn't want to fuck this up by saying something too quickly, so she quickly looked for something to change the topic to so this cute girl would stop giggling and making her even more gay. 

"so, what's going on with this?" alexa pointed to her own eyebrow and lynn smiled, looking down at her lap. fuck, alexa thought, i was trying to avoid getting her to smile so i wouldn't look so fucking gay.

lynn shrugged, "thought it would look cool, fits my aesthetic, i guess." 

"i like it, looks cute," alexa replied. 

brendon emerged from under the table to whisper to them, "that was really fucking gay."

"brendon, i once walked in on you blowing ryan ross in my fucking backyard, you can't say shit about gay." 

lynn covered her ears, giggling before muttering, "that was sinful!"

"c'mon, pretty girl, we're all joking here!" alexa laughed before brendon replied, "that wasn't a joke, though," and alexa socked him in the face. brendon laughed loudly as the manager walked over to them. 

lynn avoided eye contact with the manager as alexa looked him dead in the eyes. "do any of you own the black jeep out front?" he asked. 

brendon's head shot up, "yeah, that's my shitty jeep."

"it's being towed right now, you're parked in front of a fire hydrant-" before he could finish, brendon stood on the table and jumped down, running out of the shop and yelling after the tow truck. 

alexa was hunched over with laughter as lynn looked concerned. "is he gonna be okay?" lynn asked, getting up from her seat, "like, is he just gonna run down the street after that fucking truck?"

"yeah, let him tucker himself out, i'll walk you home, pretty girl."

lynn snorted, "pretty girl? lil ol' me?" 

"yes, lil ol' you, come on," alexa extended her hand and lynn almost immediately took it and they walked out of the coffee shop. 


"i had a really nice time, alexa," lynn said as they approached her house, still holding hands. they had walked the entire mile as brendon updated them on what had happened. apparently, they had fined him a ticket of $100 and his dad picked him up and drove him home. 

"so did i, i'd love to do this again someday," alexa told her as they walked up her front porch steps. 

"that sounds nice," lynn smiled, facing her as they were at her door. alexa looked her in the eyes and put her hand behind her head, leaning in and gently kissing her just to test the waters. 

lynn stayed still, taken aback a bit by the sudden action, and hesitantly kissed her back. 

alexa felt like all time had stopped except for this moment right now, and lynn felt like she had done something terribly wrong, for as they unlocked lips, lynn opened her front door, stepped into her house and slammed it closed. 

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