Chapter 8☽

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I can't see anything, and Viola annoys me with that obnoxious feministic voice once again.

Prim? Are you okay? She asks. I growl.

Stop calling me that! Only my parents have the right to call me Prim. My parents and my friends. And so far, you're not being a very good friend. I say. She whimpers.

Prim, I'm only trying to help—


You know what, Primrose, fine. I'll stop helping you. I'll stop trying to make thinks better. To make things easier. I know this is hard for you, and all I've been doing is helping your little, ungrateful, werewolf ass and this is what I get in return. I'm not gonna talk to you, and you better not talk to me.

And with that, her promise became a reality. I didn't talk to her for the rest of that day.


"Why didn't you tell me?" I ask Elijah as he walks into the room, slightly hurt.

"I didn't want to freak you out. I though it would be best if you learned for yourself." He says. I sigh, and remember what Viola told me.

"Viola said—"

"Who's Viola?" He asks, confusion lacing his voice.

"My so-called 'wolf'" I say. His eyes light up.

"You were talking to your wolf?" He asks. I nod my head.

"Well, more like arguing. Now she won't let me talk to her. Anyway, she said that you would explain everything to me. About the pack house, and why I'm here." I say. His expression turns grim, and he sits down on the sofa next to me.

"Okay, I'll explain. You know how with a normal wolf pack, there's an Alpha and a Luna? The ones who run it all?" He asks. I nod my head.

"A werewolf pack is made up of werewolves, and two of them are the Alpha and the Luna." He says.

"And you're the alpha? Is that why everyone calls you the Alpha?" I ask. He nods his head.

"Hang on though, I'm not finished yet. Then they also have a Beta and a Beta female. They are the second in command, and then they have the Third in Command, also know as the Gamma, and the Gamma Female. They are the thirds in command. Then you have the omega. They are the least respected and at the bottom of the pack. If they do anything bad, the are usually outcasted and become rogues. A rogue is a werewolf that has been kicked out of there pack or left there pack due to unexplained reasons. Most rogues are usually bad and envy the good life of other werewolves.

"Then we have things called mates. They are like soul mates. Every wolf has one. The alphas mate is the Luna. The betas mate is the beta Female, and the gammas mate is the gamma female. These mates are assigned by the Moon Goddess. She's the one who created us. Do you have any questions?" I stare at him dully.

"As a matter of fact, I do." I say.


"How come whenever I walk past someone they refer to me as the Luna? Isn't the Luna the Alphas mate?" I ask. He frowns.

"That's the other thing I need to tell you. You're my... my..."

"Just spit it out already!" I yell.

"YOU'RE MY MATE!" And with that, he storms off out of the lounge room.

"I'm your what?" I whisper.

585 words

Yay another update! Hip hip hurray!

I hope you enjoyed and sorry for the cliffhanger! I also apologise for the major wait...

Stay tuned for the update.

Thanks little angels!😇
- Leo 🔥

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