Muggles and No-Majs

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Warnings: none 

Words: 1801

Grumbling curses under your breath, you tuck your purse to your chest as you attempt to push through the agonizing crowd. Again, it was times like this when you questioned your sanity for wanting to reside in New York City; the crowds were so unbearable at times. 

"Hey, watch it! These shoes are top-of-the-line!" A distraught woman yelps when your foot accidently comes down on hers. 

"Sorry..." You mutter and continue walking, really you wished to tell her that maybe she should take her expensive shoes and shove them up her ass. 

Nervously glancing at your wrist, it was a ten til three. Your appointment was at three-thirty but at the rate you were moving, there was no way you would be able to make it on time. You had not one friend so it wasn't like you could ask for a ride, paying for a taxi wasn't an option either because you spent all your money paying for rent and attending to your pup. Asking a stranger for a ride was insane, your trust on people wasn't that high. 

You reached an intersection where the light had just turned red, figures. A small crowd formed at the end of the path, waiting for the crosswalk to clear so that they could get through - you didn't have that sort of patience. 

"Excuse me - sorry, I didn't mean to - I just have to get - ouch, my bad." You squeezed through the crowd, earning glares and small insults from the people you bumped. 

"Oh, bloody hell." You cursed, noticing some traffic starting to pick up, blocking the distance from where you were standing to where you needed to get. 

"In a rush?" An English male voice questions, glancing at the man next to you, the first thing you notice was the way he was dressed. He wore a bluish coat the reached his knees, some sort of brown jacket under that, what you're guessing was a toffee brown vest underneath the jacket and a white buttoned-down shirt under the vest. A pair of trousers that matched the color of the jacket and a pair of leather shoes that matched his vest in which complimented his look. Of course, he had to go over the top and wear a cute little brown bowtie, his attire was quite ridiculous. His facial features seemed flawless, shaggy brown hair with a mixture of green, blue, grayish eyes; he had some noticeable freckles around his cheeks and nose.

"Yes, just a little." Your brows furrowed in confusion at how clean he seemed whereas you probably look frazzled. He was also carrying a large suitcase, so it was surprising that he seemed more relaxed compared to you. 

Instead of responding, he simply offers a hesitant smile and awkwardly looks away, but glances at you out of the corner of his eye. 

The light was still red but there seemed a ten-second free space from here to there so you took your chance and quickly jogged across the street, not bothering to look back at the crowd who were probably having their fair share of comments about how crazy you were. 

Glancing back at your wrist, it was now five after three which meant you had twenty-four minutes and change to get to your appointment. The place where you had to be was but only a couple blocks down from where you were standing, but that meant a couple more intersections and a couple more slow crowds. 

That strange man started to probe your mind, although you've only interacted with him for not even a minute - hell, you didn't even know his name. He just looked like he was to be somewhere important, but at the same time maybe that was just how he dressed? It wasn't every day you noticed people dressed like that in New York, not even if they buy expensive shoes. People can wear expensive clothing all they want and make sure everyone knows they have money, but that man didn't seem like the type. 

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