Chapter 2: When We Were Young

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When I reached my room I quickly ran to my wardrobe picking out my finest attire. I messed up my petticoats very badly from all the running around outside, without intending to. It just happens and I get in trouble for these care less actions. At school, we aren't allowed to just roam around so I have to use my free time at home wisely. The reason for that is the children will pick on you for having dirty clothes and will say things such as, "See, your dress is starting to get as ugly as your face." Terrible things that make you want to crawl into a ball and sob.

Nanny's voice walked its way up the stairs."ELOISE! IT'S PETER!" I rushed now. Peter was my best friend. He was one I could always count on to make a bad day, good.
"Coming!" I shouted down the steps as I emerged from my bedroom.
"Eloise!" Peter was at the bottom of the stairs waiting for me.
"Peter! I have missed you so much!" Peter began to giggle. "What is it?"
"I forgot how amusing you were." Peter embraced me, giving me a hug that I had been begging for, for the past two months whilst Peter was away in Birmingham.
"It's nice to see you again. Come on, let's go."
Henrietta glanced at me. "Eloise?"
I moved my eyes off of Peter. "Yes ma'am?"
"Please stay inside, you just got on clean clothing deary."
"If we must."

I grabbed Peter's hand and led him upstairs to my bedroom. As he sat on the floor Peter began to speak," Eloise, I've been meaning to tell you something." I closed my door and sat beside him.
"Yes, Peter?" I gave him my full attention.
"You know what?"
I looked back at him, "What?"
"I don't want to spoil the day."
"Just tell me, Peter." I sat upon my heels, anticipating an answer.
"Ok, Eloise you promise you can't get angry with me."
"Pinky promise." Peter nodded and began speaking again.
"I'm... I'm..."
"Just spit it out, Peter."
He stuttered once again, then Peter let the words come out like a flowing river."I'm moving to Birmingham."
I gasped."You mustn't." A bucket of sadness was then poured over my head,tears burned in the back of my eyes.
"Eloise, my parents and I enjoyed it so much."
"I understand." A tear rolled down my cheek.
Peter quickly wiped my tear. "Now Eloise, don't be sad. It'll be alright, I'll write you."
I tried to give a little smile. "But Peter..." I scooted closer to him, playing with the necklace around my neck.
"Eloise...." Peter stood up. "Everything will be alright. Promise."
I shook my head. "No it won't. No it won't. NO IT WON'T!" I brought my knees to my eyes, to hide the tears. My voice was muffled but I still spoke. "Do your parents realize you are all I have?" I raised my head to get a glance of Peter, I thought I'd be looking up high but Peter had sat down beside me and began to comfort me.
"Eloise, I asked my parents if I could come see you every once in a while, they said yes."
"Peter, do you think 'seeing me' is gonna help with school? Do you think it's going to do anything?"
"Eloise, if you're the girl that I know and love, you don't need me." With those words, I fell into Peter's chest.
"Thank you." I embraced Peter in a hug and began to laugh. "I'm sorry I made such a big deal out it..." I sat normally now, feeling like an idiot, and probably looking like one too.
"Don't be sad, it happens to the best of us." He stroked my head.
I began to give a slight giggle of gained happiness. "Thank you again, Peter." I gave him a small hug in return of his kindness. "You're so nice, I actually don't know how to thank you." Peter gave me a small embrace.
"You're welcome, Eloise. You don't have to thank me, it was a personal favor."
"Maybe we should do something before you have to go."
"And what is that exactly?"
"Well, it's really up to you. I don't care as long as I'm with you." I looked over to Peter as I stood up.
"You're so sweet, what am I going to do without you?"
"I don't know. What are you going to do without me?"
"I REALLY don't know, Eloise." He shrugged. "What if I don't have  to go?"
"Peter, you HAVE to go. Your parents can't leave without you."
"Or... can... they? Eloise, I get we're still young but... I don't want to loose you."
"Who said you were going to loose me?" I tried to make eye contact with him as his voice was beginning to crack and his words were drifting further and further apart.
"No one. You know that the farther away you are from the ones you love, the more willing they are to move on."
"Peter, don't say that."
"I hate to say this but..." He sighed. "I just did say that and, I can't take it back." He began to let his eyes wander the room.
"It doesn't even matter." I stood up and began to walk towards the window, I began to look at the grassy hills, the trees that looked of acorn skyscrapers, the blinding sun and the sweet smelling purple flowers. I heard Peter scurrying behind me, then I felt a light touch on my arm.
"But, it does matter because I care. It doesn't matter if you do because if one cares, that's enough." I nodded my head.
"Yeah, that's true but don't assume because, I do care. Maybe a little too much." The tears were burning again but I held them in, for the fear of being wronged again. The thing is, it's hard for a girl to control her feelings when the love of her life is leaving her grasp in only a few days.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2017 ⏰

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