Chapter 2: One Genius of a Prank

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Todomatsu's PoV
Matsuno Household

It was the perfect plan. The prank to end all Matsuno pranks. I, of course, came up with the idea. I couldn't wait to see nii-san's reaction. He would be pissed! We snickered, ready to put our an into action. We had all came home at around the same time, and apparently, Osomatsu had done something to each of us to piss us off. We all collectively decided to enact revenge on the eldest by hitting him where it hurts. We know he takes pride in his position as the eldest so the plan was to replace him, and watch him go completely ape shit! It was genius! So, we got some random guy who didn't care if he was paid, and we set it up like we replaced Osomatsu-niisan. Now, we just play it as if he were our brother until Osomatsu comes home.

He never did.

It confused everyone. At one point we just threw the odd man out and got worried. Even Osomatsu wouldn't stay out this late. I just brushed it off and expected him to be in his spot in the futon in the morning. No big deal. We all went to bed, annoyed at our brother for not being home soon enough to prank him, putting to bed our worries like they were nothing.

He wasn't in bed.

It was still fine. He was probably downstairs already, either passed out drunk on the table after coming home, or already eating breakfast. We went to get dressed, and when we got to the closet, we found his red hoodie on the closet floor. I was right. He came home last night, and was too lazy to put away... his... favorite article of clothing. This was definitely strange, but, he was probably drunk. He wasn't in the right mind.

He wasn't downstairs at all.

Maybe he was at pachinko. He must of stolen our money.

We had all had of our money. Not a cent was missing.

He got some from mom.

Mom hasn't seen him since yesterday morning.

He'll be back by dinner.

He wasn't.

It's fine. It's not like we miss him.

We missed him.

I don't need my idiotic, shitty, older brother. Good riddance! He can't mess up my life now!

I cried for him on the roof every night, and cursed him for leaving me.

I hate him. I hated him for leaving.

I love him. I wanted him to come back.

But I would never admit that.

A/N: done the next chapter in What, a day or so? That's pretty good I guess. Well, I hope you enjoyed! Vote and comment please!

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