Temporary Luna

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I want to say a huge thank you to Anoniem024 for the beautiful cover. Cheers!

Lia's POV

My mate is back.

I know.

You know what's going to happen.

Yes Alpha.

I want to say I love him and I want to stay beside him but I can't.

I am a human. A nobody. Just a mere outcast. The unwanted. I was just a replacement until the real luna is found. And now that she's back I am no longer needed. He will have me banished for sure.

That's all. You can leave now.

Yes, thank you Alpha.

As soon as I was out the door, a servant approached me. I am now an omega like her. It's as if that I am nothing like her. I was treated worst if I may say. It's nothing new to me. I gave her a nod and followed her. A very small and empty room greeted me. This will be my home from now on. They told me that the alpha personally selected the room for me. How thoughtful can he be? They told me the chores I need to do for each day. I guess my everyday in this pack will be very productive.

A week after the luna returned they decided to give her a welcome party. And all of the servants are working double time because of the big celebration. I am dead tired but I have no choice but to work. They will beat me senseless if I won't. The other omegas don't go near me because if they do they will be punished. They avoided me like the plague. I am lonely and heartbroken.

Seeing the man I love happy with somebody else is killing me. But she is his mate. The rightful one. They belong to each other. It is their destiny. And I am the girl who entered the picture. I don't want to be here but I don't a choice. I hope I can find a way out before they will know my little secret.

The party is at full blast. Everyone is enjoying themselves. Even the omegas were given their breaks and are allowed to have their own little party in the kitchen except me. I had to do all of the things. I am very exhausted when I tripped and spilled all the wine to the beautiful luna's dress.

Everyone were enraged. Of all the people why the luna? I asked for forgiveness but being the luna she is it went to deaf ears. The alpha's eyes were all black and I know I'm in big trouble.

He was so mad that he started beating me and I can't even defend myself. I pleaded but no one listened. It was just an accident. And a dress for crying out loud. I'm sure she can go change and have plenty of beautiful dresses to choose from. But no, they're beating me like I endangered her life. I felt so worthless. No one will ever care for me. I felt a scrutinizing pain in my stomach and I gave in. Will he regret killing his own child? Or will be happy to finally get me out of his way forever? I smiled bitterly and clutched my stomach. My unborn child. We're going somewhere peaceful and without pain. I tried to re-assure myself as I welcomed the darkness.

Andrew's POV

STOP!!! I think it's enough. You don't have to ruin the night because of an omega. Let's continue the celebration. Call some omegas to get her out of here.

The former alpha barking orders made everyone stop. I was so furious that I started beating her like there's no tomorrow. I forgot that she's a human. She will not heal fast just like us.

I let Mira go for a while so that she can change. Everyone continued with their business like nothing happened. No one really cares about the lone human in this pack. Not even when she was still Luna. I have to admit she will make a good one but she's not a wolf and I have a mate so I have to keep my distance.

A few minutes later, one of the omegas approached me.

"I don't mean to interrupt Alpha but I need your permission to take Lia to the pack doctor. She's bleeding profusely and her pulse is weak. She might not make it tonight."

I was caught off guard. Why is she bleeding so much? She doesn't have any cuts. I am so sure of that.

"Take her". And with that took off right away.

The party was great and Mira was very happy about it. She still is very beautiful but I have to admit she is as not as carefree as before. Somehow she is quite reserved. I never really cared because she's my mate and I love her.

I was about to go to bed when the pack doctor sent me a message through mindlink. He wants me to go to the pack hospital and it's urgent. It better be important or else.

"Sorry to bother you alpha but you need to know."

She's pregnant but due to too much exhaustion and the injuries she got. The mother and child are both fighting for their lives. I can feel the alpha blood in the baby. You have to choose between them. I'm sorry alpha I know this is uncalled for but you need to choose now before it's too late.

Save the baby.

Yes, alpha.

After a few hours, the pack doctor came back with a smile on his face. He told me that it was a miracle. Although it may take sometime for her to heal since she's a human but he said that the baby's very overprotective of his mother. It seemed that he's helping his mum to heal.

I looked at her weak figure laying in her bed. She's in the hospital for about a month and her baby bump is already visible. It will be another four months and she will give birth. The doctor said that it seemed she's holding on because of the baby.

I know you only want the baby. She said sadly. If you promise to take care and love him unconditionally I will be happy to go.

It was just a dream.

Today is the day I will be seeing my son for the first time. He's a healthy baby boy. Everyone adored him but no one dared talk about his mother..

Lia didn't make it. As soon as the baby is born her heart stopped beating. It's as if she only waited for my son to be born before she gave up. Somehow I feel guilty. She was nothing but kind. The only problem was she's not a wolf.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2023 ⏰

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