Chapter 1:

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Hey guys! Sorry about just posting the prologue but today im gonna post a chapter. I hope you don't mind that its gonna be long but I just hope you enjoy it!


(Y/N) P.O.V

It was crazy living in the same apartment building with the one and only Saitama. Crazy things would happen and I felt like only I could hear it. Especially after Genos moved in with him and when he would yell at him or something else, I could always hear it. I guess it was because I was right next to them. I didnt mind though. They probably dont even know I exist since im always so quiet and all you hear from my room is the T.V. Sometimes when they would go out and get groceries, i would always be tempted to look through the peephole of my door. Who wouldnt? They were heros. They would never notice and i made sure i never ran into them. It would be awkward and i would embarass myself. I am a stranger after all. Even to my emotions. It stayed like that for a while until one day...

I was about to make lunch for myself when i realized i was missing an ingredient. I needed to go to the market, so i got ready and i looked out the door to make sure no one was around and i walked out. I went all the way to the market and got what i needed, but as I was leaving...I saw..THEM! They were picking fruits and vegetables. I stood there in shock. "Please dont see me" i said to myself. They were there for a while and I could hear genos talking to him and saitama responding only a little. I shook my head and quickly made my way to the register. But then I noticed they were right in front of me. How did they even get there?? I stood there quietly and waited till they were done. After a bit I left the market and started making my way home. I noticed as I was walking home I saw them again. They were walking in front of me. I grew nervous. This was the only route that I knew back to the apartment. I just decided to stay quiet and just keep walking. Suddenly I felt like someone was staring at me. I looked and saw that it was...Genos... He was giving me a glare, I grew even more nervous and I looked away but I could still feel his gaze on me.

Finally, after what seemed like forever, we were back at the apartment. I was still walking behind them on our way to our rooms but as they got to their door, Genos spun around and pointed his hand canon at my head. I jumped back and nearly fell. "What are you doing following my sensei?" He asked in his scary voice giving me a cold stare. I blushed nervously "i-i-i" I stuttered then Saitama turned around. "Woah Genos what are you doing?" He asked "sensei, this girl was following us from the market" Genos said. "Uh actually I live right here." I said pointing to my apartment door. Saitama looked over "Since when did you start living next to us?" He asked "um for a while now but no one has noticed" I explained to them.
They just looked at me confused. I sighed and headed to my door. "See you around." I said and opened my door and walked in. As i closed the door i sighed. This is not how i wanted to meet my neighbors. I was exactly what i thought i would be. Awkward and humiliated. On the bright side...I guess they know now i exist. I smiled at that thought. But it quickly went away at the thought of genos almost killing me. Hes very protective of his master. I nodded, "im getting to know him" I said to myself. I shrugged and continued to make my lunch.

After that it was a normal afternoon of doing absolutely nothing. I kept thinking about them. My neighbors. How saitama casually noticed genos trying to kill me. Am I overreacting? I lived didn't I? I wish I could have met them another way. "Things happen for a reason." my mom always used to say. Of course i dont get to visit her as much. I should but not now. Not now. It soon became dark. I would have gone to sleep if my favorite show didnt air tonight, but it did. I sat on my couch with my pajamas. Its not much. Just some shorts and a t-shirt. Pants if it gets cold for me. I sat there waiting for another show to be finished but then, I heard something. It came from the wall. My neighbors. It was genos and he was up for some reason. I didnt know why. I could hear his heavy steps on the floor. I guess saitama was asleep because there was no other movements then that. Im not sure if genos sleeps. He is a robot. What would he do? Battery run low? I laughed a bit at my comment. But then I heard the stepping stop. I stayed quiet. Hoping he wont hear me. Then after a bit, he started moving around again and I guess he sat down because I could hear the squeak of a chair. And he started writing. What did he write about? I dont want to sound nosey. I sighed and just decided to get a drink from my fridge. I could hear him writing on the paper as I got up. I wonder if he can hear me in my room...

I started walking to my kitchen. He didnt stop this time. I opened my fridge and got out what i wanted. I set it on the counter and reached for a glass cup, but as i was doing so, i didnt get a good grip and before i knew it, a loud crash was made. I screamed a bit but it was only my cup on the floor, shattered in pieces. It was quiet and I could hear genos, no I didnt hear him. I didnt hear anything. Its as if he stopped. I sighed as i walked around the glass to get my broom, but as i was, i heard a knock. On my door... I looked at the door wondering who it was. I walked over and opened it. To my surprise it was...him. He was standing at my doorway. The usual look on his face, glaring at me. "I heard a loud crash coming from your room and I came to check on you" he explained in that voice of his. I felt my face start to heat up. He wanted to know if i was ok? I knew i was blushing but im not sure if he noticed. He was still standing there looking at me. "I-im fine. I just dropped my glass" I explained to him with a nervous smile. He nodded but he still stood there. I shrugged and left the door open for him. I grabbed the broom and dustpan and started sweeping. I would have been alright but he just stood there and watched me. Why was he watching me? He better not be some sicko like every other guy I meet. I sighed and was about to pick up a big piece of glass till suddenly, I felt a huge pain on my hand. I cut myself! I screamed in pain and looked at the blood. I felt myself start to cry until i felt someone grab me and moved me away from the mess. It was genos. He looked at my hand and quickly started to patch me up. I didnt understand. Did he know i was going to mess up? I was a little insulted but then again...he was helping me.

After he patched me up he started to clean the mess himself. He was good. I watched him and he cleaned like it was nothing. After he was done, he looked at me "I cleaned up the glass for you" he said. I got nervous "t-thank you" I said with a nervous smile. He nodded and started to head out the door. But before he left, he looked at me with his normal stare. "Inform me when your injury starts to heal" he said with that voice of his. I nodded "I will" I said lightly blushing. Then...he left. I couldnt stop. I was nervous. Very nervous. He helped me. We just met and he offered to help me. I kept thinking about how concentrated he was when he was bandaging my hand. He was so close. As close as any girl would ever want to be. Maybe even closer. I shook my head. "No." I said "I still don't know him very well" I reminded myself. He did make me feel...special. I shook my head. He would do that to anyone. I looked at my hand and sighed. "Maybe" I said softly to myself.


End of chapter one! I hope you liked it I worked hard to write it and im probably gonna add a Genos pov so comment if you think anything is wrong or if i should keep going then yeah! Thank you so much!

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