Gone and Happy

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It started in 2016, November 23 and I'm on tour with my sister's in Europe.

The hate was getting so bad it was really affecting my confidence. My self worth is right down.

My sister's are the ones who started it all. Every single one of them. I thought I was their sister but they treat me like dirt. Not even Lisa or Katherine and I thought we were close but nope I was wrong.

Christina tweeted: " Great show guys had a great time. Love you all so much xxx thank you ". Then I was reading comments when Christina commented " Amy was a little weak tonight I'm so sorry to everyone who had to hear her voice tonight". I just can't believe she said that about me and what makes it worse the cimfam agreed with her. I'm so done !.

I wanted to cry but I couldn't let them see that i was hurt. Lisa and Dani walked pass me talk really loud about me.
L: Did you hear her, she ruined the whole show.
D: Ew ! And when Renegade started she sounded like a seal hahaha she is so annoying.
L: ugh ! She just makes me sick.
D: you got that right L-Dawwg.
They were looking at me the whole time while they were talking out loud. It was obvious that I was meant to hear it. I can't do it !

My sister's went to the hotel and they all went to their room and apparently there were no beds but there is one spear in their room but no I have to sleep by myself.

I went across to their room to see if I could hang out but they were talking.
C: Look Amy needs to go and by that I mean out of the band.
L: I agree she can't even sing and plus Dani can sing low, we really don't need Amy anyways. Wow that stung a bit.

Does Lisa really feel that way ? I thought we were L A M Y, B E S T F R I E N D S ! But obviously not !.

Laur: Yeah she doesn't belong in  C I M O R E L L I
D: I agree she ain't my sister, she's dead to me.
K: now Dani that was a bit hush but I agree
C: So we agree Amy is out !

And all I hear a bunch of "Yup", "Yeah" and "Agree" and that was it, I, Amy Elizabeth Cimorelli is leaving this nightmare I use to call family.

I'm leaving the hotel now with my suitcase and my handbag with the limited money I have. They want me gone then that's exactly what they are gonna get. I'm so done with them, singing and C I M O R E L L I !. I have no idea where I'm going but I know I'm not going back.

I found a cheap motel to stay at for a couple days. It took hours of walking around finding somewhere to sleep. I just can't believe my sister's would do this to me. I decided to text Christina.

Thank you so much for what you have done to me. I heard everything tonight and no need to kick me out of Cimorelli I quit, I just want to say thanks for the opportunities and I had an awesome 9 years, the best years of my life and I'm so thankful for the career i have. Don't bother coming for me or calling back because I'm not going to answer. You all have made me feel worthless and unworthy. I am slowly breaking. I'm sorry for anything i have done to deserve this hatred. I wish you all well and I hope the tour goes well and I will support you and the band in everyway possible.
Tell everyone i love them and not to worry about me because I will be fine. xxxx love Amy ✌

I am crying so hard now because I'm going to miss them so much but I know they never wanted me with them anyways so i guess I have to move on and get a job and a house. Maybe find a great guy to love and have a family with. I can be happy right ?. I do wish my sisters well. I hope they become successful and I hope they all get married and have families and grow old and happy.

I'm just looking at photos on my phone and silently crying as I see how beautiful they are getting. They are all so beautiful and talented.

Only question I have on my mind. And that is " What did I do for them to hate me so much ? ".

5 years later:

I'm pregnant, it's looks like positive lines.

I'm now married to a great guy and his name is Jaylen McCann and he is the most amazing guy ever. We have been married for 3 years and we met at my job where he came in an ordered food and left me his number. Then we got talking and got engaged a year later.

I'm now 26 years old, working full-time at a really nice cafe and married to the most amazing guy and now I'm pregnant. I have to go to the doctors to confirm I'm actually pregnant and how far along I am. I'm so excited and me and Jaylen haven't been trying for a Baby but we definitely talked about it.

~ Doctors ~

Mrs McCann I can confirm that you're pregnant and according to my records you're about 10 weeks so 2 and a bit months pregnant.

I thanked him and I was on my way to tell my husband about our little miracle.

He was over joyed and was super excited like UGH! I love him so much he is just so good to me. I wished I would have met him years before I did see him the first time. He treats me so well, he knows my story with my sister's.

Actually talking about my sister's I made a fake account and started talking to Christina, Katherine and Lauren and I know that Christina is married to Nick off course and has 2 kids twins Christina and Elizabeth (2) and one on the way, Katherine is married with a kid named Lily-Rose(3) and aswel pregnant, Lisa is married and has had 2 sets of twins Amy and Mia (3) and Hayden and Jaden (1), Lauren is engaged with a great guy and Dani is 21 and doing her own thing like she ain't considering dating due to boys breaking her heart. I talk to the girls as a fan and C I M O R E L L I is over But still talk to fans.

They're happy and well and I am happy they're happy. There is never a day go by where I don't think about my sister's like I still love them all and Christina never replied to the text I sent her 5 years ago but I learned to move on and one day I want to meet them again. I see their social medias everyday and they are all still so beautiful. I did lose contact with my brother's and by the sounds of things Michael and Alex are both married with kids and have a construction business together and doing well. As for my parents they continue to look for me but I don't want to be found right now because I'm happy with my husband and unborn child. Selfish I know but this is my life ever since I was 21 and I'm enjoying it.


I just gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. Her name will be Danielle Michelle Ann McCann. A beautiful baby girl born at 4:48pm Friday March 4th 2021. And I couldn't be happier with my Baby.

I am happy, healthy and Alive and I wouldn't have it any other way.

A/N I'm so sorry to make the girls nasty but whatevz lol. I'm doing Amy Cimorelli one shots because I feel like she is easier to write about. I have decided that I'm doing only one shot books for the girls so they will have their own one shot books.

I just feel writing long books take to long and I can't deal with that right now.

If you want to be in one of any of the girls one shot books then let me know
- which girl
- Character name
- looks
- tell me if you want to be friends with the girl, in a relationship, someone they fall in love with or
B E S T F R I E N D S.

I really need you guys to help with ideas

Have an aweCim day CimFam

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