dead together

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I'm dead, is Lisa alive ?, Why is noone answering ?. Why do I see Lisa in spirit ?. This is all my fault I killed my best friend and sister Lisa.

I'm walking towards the door that the Angels told me to walk to and I couldn't find Lisa on the other side.

Where is Lisa ?

I don't understand why I'm in this office. It's all white though.
A man walks in. He has a halo over his head. His voice was so soothing yet loud.

" Amy Elizabeth Cimorelli, died in car accident killing herself and sister Lisa Michelle Cimorelli.

Welcome to heaven Amy Elizabeth Cimorelli. I look around and it is beautiful up here.

We accept you to journey up the stairs and join your family before you. On your way up feel free to stop into the door on the right for advice and guidance. He said to me but right now all I can think about is Lisa. Where is Lisa?.

Where is my sister Lisa? I asked him.

Lisa is already through and is trying to go up the stairs. She died 20 minutes before you.
He said and I sigh in relief.

I'm just telling you. It could take seconds, minutes, hours, days, months or years to reach the top of the stairs. Some have been climbing the stairs for 10-20 years and still haven't made it.

Good luck Cimorelli.

I walked out the door and I decided to walk straight to the stairs and I saw Lisa at the bottom of the stairs.

I run up to her and give her a hug. I'm so sorry Lisa, I'm sorry for crashing the car,  I'm sorry for killing us. I'm sorry. I cried into her, I can't believe I killed my own sister.

Amy it wasn't your fault it was the driver who was high as a kite. It's fine you don't need to say sorry Hun you couldn't help it. I'm glad I'm here with you and I wouldn't have it any other way. I love you Amy Elizabeth Cimorelli.
She said and which we are both crying.

She looks down at me and said, we must climb and I promise we will be together as we climb.

You promise. I said

I promise. She said then we started climbing.

---------------------------------------------------- 2 days later---------------------------

We made it Lisa, we really made it.

We passed a lot of people on our journey and a few stopped to talk to us. One young baby was having trouble but we couldn't help him because when we would try he couldn't move. The baby said that we should move on and we decided to but we both cried cause we couldn't help.

We have made it and there is a bright light and a door. So we decided to go through the door hand in hand and there was a large book sitting there.

Lisa open it and there is list of name so we decided to go to "C" but the list went on.

Then we find it "Cimorelli" and we see a lot of names
- Ann Cimorelli
- Bonny Cimorelli
- Chris Cimorelli
The list went on and on even the pets are on there.

Names magically appears under "A" and "L" Amy Elizabeth Cimorelli and Lisa Michelle Cimorelli

Another set of doors open and there are people who we know and people we don't know in this white room.

I'm Amy Elizabeth Cimorelli I said to one of the people.
I'm Valerie Ann Cimorelli and I'm your great great Aunty on your father's side. We got talk to everyone and I see Lisa is talking to family we know".

Lynne's POV

It's been a whole year since my girls Amy and Lisa passed away and this family has never been the same. The girls never continued with the band because Amy and Lisa played a big part and none of the girls were strong enough to continue. All of them have stopped singing around the house because it reminds them of the band and their sisters.

Today we are all going to the cemetery to give the girls proper head stones that my husband has made.

For Lisa her one is shaped as Drums saying:

Lisa Michelle Cimorelli
19/9/1993 - 1/11/16
Taken way to early and will be sadly missed. Love Mom, Dad, Michael, Christina, Katherine, Alexander, Lauren, Danielle, Christian, Nichols and Joseph Cimorelli.
Forever in our hearts.

And for Amy she has a cowboy hat saying:

Amy Elizabeth Cimorelli
1/7/1995- 1/11/16
Taken way to early and will be sadly missed. Love Mom, Dad, Michael, Christina, Katherine, Alex, Lauren, Danielle, Christian, Nichols and Joseph Cimorelli.
Forever in our hearts.

We have placed the head stone down and I still can't believe my babies are gone. Dani picked the most beautiful pictures of the girls to go on their head stones. It still breaks my heart but I know wherever they are, they're safe in heaven.

I know they are happy because they are together

They died together.


I'm actually crying ! It so sad.

Anyways I hope you like this one shot.

I need help so if you want to be in a one shot tell me which girl as I'm doing one shot books for all of the girls, what you want to be to them so Friend, best friend, boyfriend/girlfriend, secret admirer etc............

Also check out my other book     ' Not Enough' a bullying story.

Have an awecim day or night x

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2016 ⏰

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