Tanner leaned closer to Bailey and whispered, "She couldn't have been more right."

He kissed her passionately. Bailey smiled through the kiss as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer. When they pulled away, they leaned their foreheads against each others and smiled at each other.

"I love you, Bailey Vitale." Tanner whispered, and Bailey's smiled grew bigger. She loved hearing him say that.

"I love you too, Tanner Vitale. Always and forever." Tanner pulled Bailey in for a warm hug, and when they pulled away, they got into their cars and drove to Bailey's house.

Bailey was the first out of her car. She had Malia in her arms as she waited for Tanner. He slowly got out of his car and stared at her house, a hint of sadness in her eyes.

"What if she hates me, Bails? I could never live with myself." Tanner questioned, and Bailey let out a sigh as she used her free hand to grab his. she caressed his skin with her thumb and sent him a reassuring smile.

"Tanner, she loves you. She always will, because you are her daddy. No one can change that." Tanner glanced at Bailey before he took a deep breath and nodded. Bailey and Tanner walked into the house, and Bailey's mom smiled at them. Her eyes lit up when she saw their intertwined hands.

"Grandma, look what I found!-"

Avery's eyes landed on her mom and dad, and a grin grew on her lips. She dropped the picture in her hand and ran to Tanner.

"Daddy!" She shouted, hopping into his arms, and tanner caught her just in time. He held her tightly against him, caressing her light blonde hair with his big hands.

"Hi, baby girl." He whispered, a single tear escaping his eye. Bailey's eyes also became glassy as she watched Tanner and Avery. Bailey's mom wrapped her arm around Bailey's shoulder and smiled at her.

"What did I tell you, honey?" Her mom whispered, smiling brightly, "Christmas is the holiday of miracles."

And what a miracle that Christmas had been.


A whole year passed since the Christmas Tanner and Bailey were stuck in the cabin together. The couple got remarried during the spring, and a little while after, Bailey became pregnant. Tanner decided they would need a bigger house to fit their whole family, so he bought her a house in the beautiful state of Georgia. Their house was right on the beach of Tybee Island, and every morning, Bailey would watch the sunrise as Tanner made her favorite breakfast.

Nine months later, Bailey and Tanner's third daughter came to the world. They named her Lilly Anne. Her hair was dirty blonde, and her eyes were bluish green. She was an equal mix of Tanner and Bailey.

Avery turned five, and the couple swore she was the smartest little girl ever. She started Pre-K, and she was the head of her class. She also started piano lessons, and even with that she was advanced. Malia, on the other hand, was now two. She was very talkative for her age, and she finally learned how to walk. Her favorite thing was to take naps on Tanner's chest.

When Lilly turned two months old, Tanner was told by his boss that he would be the leading weatherman on a storm chase during the end of November to the day before Christmas. He agreed to go, for if he went, he would be promoted, so the day after Thanksgiving he packed all of his things and got his car ready. He would be travelling through tornado alley, reporting the biggest tornadoes to hit during that season. The next morning, Bailey made his favorite breakfast. The couple ate together and then he hugged each of his daughter's goodbye.

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