Chapter 2

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HEYY GUYS!!!1! Thanks for reading! me and my friend Lucy (xxLucyxx03) wrote it :3

sorry if the first bit sucks :/ sorry for any mistakes..... anyway


-Aimee xx

I woke up in an unfamiliar bedroom it had soft blue walls with white shelving and white photo frames scattered on the walls. I sat up quickly regretting it but ignored the pain. the bedding was a bright white colour with a baby blue blanket draped over the end of the bed. Carefully and Quietly i got out of the bed and noticed my coat hung up on the hat stand. Taking it off i saw blood covering my hood, i sighed as i remembered walking home yesterday and bumping into Harry. I was about to put on my coat when i heard soft knocking. i opened the door and saw Katie ready in her school uniform with a tray of toast and orange juice. 'Er Hi i thought you might be hungry!?' She said handing me the tray and sitting on the messily made bed before motioning me to sit next to her. 'Er thanks Kate... How did i get here?' i asked nibbling on a piece of toast. She didn't answer at first she just played with her long chocolate hair she looked at me with soft caramel eyes before saying 'I was walking home from my friends house and i Harry ran past me' she paused 'I knew he mush have done something to you because of the look on his face so i ran and found you laying on the pavement so....' I smiled and hugged her 'Thanks Kate you are really good best friend'. We stayed hugging for a couple of minutes before Katie whispered handing me some of her brothers clothes 'if you want to keep your perfect attendance you better start getting ready!'

As me and Katie walked into school we saw a huge crowd of people in the hallway. Standing on my tip-toes i saw a mop or curly hair above the crowd .I was just about to walk away when a hug BANG echoed through the tiny hallway everyone fell silent i cringed as i turned and saw Harry punching a boy and cracking his ribs.

A second after the insistent a teacher I'd never seen before burst through the reception room door

'Alright, that's enough!!' His loud voice rumbled through the hallway

'You, young man' he pointed his finger sternly at Harry, ' my office, now!' He shouted

'And where might that be, sir' Harry rose an eyebrow.

'Don't get smart with me young man'

'This guy is crazy' Katie whispered, leaning towards my ear.

Looking back at where the fight once was I saw that the new teacher was dragging Harry off down the hall earning a few boos and hisses from the now smaller crowd.

'Glad that's over' I sighed 'I'm glad it wasn't me...this time' I gulped

'Relax Lou,' Katie smiled 'here' she handed me a pile of books for my morning periods

Nodding in reply I shoved all my books Into my rucksack. Heading off to my first class I noticed a leaflet stuck on the notice board. Stopping to read it I put my bag down on the floor.

'Dear students, This year has been a fine one, many ups and downs...blah blah blah......many of you have been voting and this years celebratory event will be, a school prom! Dress nicely, more information will be given shortly

Your principal, '

Oh great, another way for people to bully me after school.

Picking up my bag I jogged down to my first lesson, don't want to be late!

Pushing open the door to my maths room I ducked my head, feeling everyone's eyes on me.

'Ahh, Mr Tomlinson, so nice of you to show up to class,' my science teacher patronised me

'Take a seat'

Sitting down in my usual spot I took out my note book. The door swung open once again revealing a bloody-knuckled Harry.

'Mr Styles!' Miss Platts spoke sarcastically, again

'Sit down.'

Harry raised his hands in defence making the class chuckle, but not me. His childish actions bore me, I just want to learn!

Harry took his seat and the teacher started to actually teach.

'Mr. Styles..? What is the answer?' Miss Platts sneered She knew he was bound to have not been listening.

'64' Harry smirked. He winked at Miss and did the 'call me' thing with his hands, as usual he was flirting with the teacher to get better grades. What a doof.

School dragged on for what seems like days. Right now i was sat in history and was listening to my teacher talk about god knows what before i started to zone out and stare out of the window. Some younger students were out kicking a ball around. Thats when i noticed Harry. He was wearing baggy football shorts that came above his knees, he has red sports vest that clung to his body and I could see his toned body and biceps. He look gorgou... what am i saying? he is my bully i cant have feelings for him. 'Tomlinson!' the teacher shouted snapping me out of my thoughts 'what is the answer?' he asked and everyone turned around to look at me. '' then the sound of the bell rang through the classroom 'saved by the bell!' i mumbled happily to myself as I rose to my feet, stuffing all my books and pens messily into my bag and bouncing out of the classroom door, saying my goodbyes to the teacher.

I skipped over to my locker where Katie was stood waiting for me, i gave her a huge grin

'So your taking me to the prom right' she winked, barely containing her laughter

'I should think so ma'am' I chuckled wrapping my arm around hers and striding out of the school doors, Katie doing the same along side me.

'Oh, gosh!' Katie gasped

'What? What is it?!' I asked, worried

'We don't have anything to wear! We need to go get them this weekend!' She rose her hand to her mouth in shock

Letting out a long sigh I answered 'I actually thought there was something wrong with you then!'

She giggled 'whoops, sorry. I'm just so excited!' She cheered

'Im not' I huffed

'Awhh! Does my little Louis-poo not wanna get his ass beat by the big bad bullies again?' She pouted squeezing my cheek

'Ha ha- very funny' I lifted her fingers from my face 'and, yes kinda'

'Don't worry, Lou, I'll be your knight in shining armour!' She jumped up, making her converse clank on the floor as she landed.

'Get in the car' I spoke sarcastically, smirking as I ducked my head under to climb into my small Audi

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