10) A Not So Great Friend [Edited]

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"Here we are." Impact announces, as we teleport back to the same spot we were in before. Although, Castellar is nowhere to be seen.

 " ...I guess I'll just have to go through Waterfall alone? See you later, Impact. Thanks for lunch! " I smile nervously, and walk alone further into the cave. I traversed Snowdin on my own pretty okay, so this can't be too bad, right?  

 "But Crimson, please listen to me! Don't you feel like killing all these innocents is wrong? There's got to be another way!" I hear Castellar from afar, and I follow her voice through the tall grass. Eventually, I spot her and another monster up on the cliff above me. I hide in the grass and try not to give away that I'm here.

 "No means no, Castellar! If a human is down here like you said there was earlier, we need to get their soul NOW! We can't wait any longer!" The armoured figure next to Castellar growls, a glowing blue spear in her hand. I can feel an aura coming off of her... a strong sense of Loyalty...And Determination.I

 "But...you see...the human is my friend now! They're really nice and they don't even want to hurt anybody! Can't we...can't we just wait until a horrible human falls down, and kill them instead?" Castellar pleads, her words clearly not getting through to Crimson. Abandonment, family issues, now best friends treating each other badly? What next? Flowey has some tragic villain backstory I have to sort out? These guys are glad I'm so patient...

 "You WHAT?! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU ALLOWED THE HUMAN TO MANIPULATE YOU, CASTELLAR! They're just using you up until they see fit, and then they'll stab you in the back when they don't need you anymore! Did you take in anything in rookie camp?! I've pulled so many strings to get you where you are now, Castellar...and now you disobey direct orders from ME?! I'M SICK OF THIS! I'M GOING TO GO AND FIND THE HUMAN RIGHT NOW, AND YOU CAN'T STOP ME!" Crimson tells some wings extending out of the back of her armour as she prepares for flight.

 "Crimson, no! Don't hurt Tyler!"

 " Aww, you even gave your little friend a name, did you? That name won't matter once I beat them into the ground! I ORDER YOU to not stop me! " She yells, preparing to take off again.

 "SHUT UP! I WON'T LET YOU HURT THEM!" Castellar cries, raising her hand up into the sky. I see lots of bones appear, and Crimson is knocked to the floor.

 "How DARE you use your special attack on ME! I don't want to fight you...BUT YOU LEAVE ME NO CHOICE!"

 " STOP IT! " I yell, then both turning towards where my voice came from. I step out from the grass, and I see their expressions change. Castellar is terrified, whilst Crimson is furious.

"You're a horrible friend! How DARE you treat Castellar like that! And don't fight her - it's me you want, isn't it?! Then come and get me!" I scold, before running off. Crimson flies after me, and soon enough, Castellar teleport over to run alongside me.

"TYLER! I told you to wait for me! I could've handled her fine on my own! Now look what you've done!" Castellar yells at me, dodging out the way of a spear Crimson fired.

"COME BACK HERE AND FIGHT ME, YOU PUNKS!" Crimson yells, firing more spears at us. One lands by the side of me, and I feel hear radiating off it as I pass. Getting hit by one of those would HURT.

"You can't fight her alone! I WON'T abandon my friends like that! " I reply, Castellar smiling.

"Me and Crimson really need to talk later, don't we...? Seems like the only good friend I have anymore is you, Tyler." She grins, Luke joining the run as well.

 "I'm a friend, too! Now I know where Castellar gets most of her personality from!" He jokes, as we slip into an alcrove. Crimson flies past, not spotting our hiding place.

As we catch out breath, Castellar starts laughing. And soon enough, we're all laughing the situation away. Wiping a year from my eye, I sigh.

"Well..any idea of how to get to the next area without Crimson killing us?" I ask, Luke shrugging, and Castellar pausing to think of something. Then suddenly, she snaps her fingers.

 "I've got it! The Riverperson! If we ride the boat, we can cut through Waterfall directly to Hotland and Sam's lab!" 

" That sounds perfect! Where's the nearest place the Riverperson stops? " I chirp, Castellar thinking again. But then, she frowns.

"All the way near the shops...our best bet is to ride over the Unnecessarily Small Gap, which isn't too far from here. Let's get going now, but we have to be careful of Crimson. " Castellar asserts, Luke chirping up too.

"I got a great idea for a distraction! I'll distract Crimson, while you guys go there, okay? I'll meet you once it stops working! " 

"Are you sure? Won't you get lost?" I worry, but Luke winks.

"Don't worry, Purple Hood. Ghosts can't die. And I know this place like the back of my hand, I'll find my way back.  Although I won't have any of my powers once I'm away from Tyler...But they'll come back once I rejoin. Okay, see you! " Luke explains, making a peace sign before fading away again. My soul feels a bit weird once he leaves, like I also lost a bit of my power. Guess we are truly linked. Castellar leads the way, and I look out for any signs of Crimson or Luke.

[Luke's POV]

"God damn it...I can't believe I lot them! Where the help are you, Castellar?" Crimson mumbles to herself, walking throughout the caves of Waterfall. I follow a r a safe distance, mentally reminding myself of the plan.

But first...I might need a disquise...hmm...

I concentrate on my soul an d close my eyes. I imagine myself turning more compact, smaller, Like Ambstablook...But my hairstyle stays the same...obviously, red instead of pink...there we go!

My form now updated, I float over to Crimson as I quickly remember to generate some glasses on my face.

"Oh! Great Saviour of Monsterkind! I am in awe! " I exclaim, putting on my best impression of Emmaton.

"Uh...hello? I don't have time for autographs right now, sorry. I'm in the middle of something." Crimson dismisses, and I frown.

" Oh but Crimson! I am in need of dire help that requires the assistance of a hero! I have a great reward in store if you help me out, Oh Saviour! " 

Crimson stops in thought for a second, then turns to look at me. I swear a little, hoping she doesn't see through the disguise.

"...I don't believe I've seen you around here before. What's you name, little ghost? " She enquires.

"Uh, my name is Lukablook! I live in the Ruins, but I'm visiting my friend today. She lost an important item of hers and she really needs it back! " I lie through my teeth. She stares at me for a few more seconds, before shrugging.

"Fine. It better be quick, and the reward better be good. I've got important things to do. " She sighs, and I grin.

"Oh thank you thank you thank you! You really are amazing, Crimson! "

"Heck yes I am! Show me where you lost the item!" She cheers, following me as I lead her towards Distraction Town.

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