Christmas Day

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I woke up on Christmas Day to a crazy woman jumping in my bed hitting me with pillows and screaming at the top of her lungs,

"Wake up. It's Christmas. That means presents moron. Get Up!!"

Needless to say I got up. I got that people were excited for Christmas just they needed to tone it down a little bit. But the girl before me looked like even if you told her she would never shut up about Christmas. She was dressed up like a Christmas elf which fit her petite form and curly brown hair peeked out of her Santa hat. Most important were her soft blue eyes which bubbled with excitement and warmth.

"Come on" she said with a wild grin ignoring the fact that I had just stared at her for a solid twenty seconds "I said presents and I wasn't kidding".

And she wasn't. I hadn't noticed the night before because I was so tired but in the living room of the dorm stood an small little pine tree. The smell of the pine and sugar cookies hit me like a truck.

"Woah. You really go overboard on this whole Christmas thing" I said.

"Oh really" she said placing a hand on her hip "you know I think I should just tear it all down right now".

Rolling her eyes she flashed me a smile and slipped into our kitchen. Wow sarcastic much I thought to myself.

But you really couldn't blame her. It looked like she had spent a whole day just getting the room to look as awesome as it did. And true to her word underneath the small tree were dozens of presents. As I admired the adorable room the girl popped back in with a plate of cookies.

"Hey I realized that you must think I'm a crazy person because I didn't introduce myself" she said handing me the plate. "Take as many as you want. And my name is Ginny Primise. I'm your new roommate. I hope that's okay".

She smiled at me hopefully but she wasn't getting a response anytime soon. My mouth was shoved full of delicious sugar cookies that melted as soon as they entered my mouth. They were so warm I just couldn't resist. By the time I could finally speak Ginny was giggling her head off.

"I'm Ruth Mocin. And I think I already love being your roommate" I said with a shy smile.

"I knew it" she shouted.

Ignoring my confused look she walked to the Christmas tree and picked up a gift.

"Usually people are intimidated by how ... bubbly I am but thank goodness you are okay with it" she chattered.

"Hey as long as you keep cooking I won't complain" I said.

With a sweet smile she handed me the small present. When I gave her a questioning look she just nodded her head excitedly. Slowly I ripped of the wrapping paper and opened the box. Inside was a little snow globe of Big Ben.

"I heard you were from America so I thought maybe I could give you your first souvenir from England" she said.

I hugged her.

"This is literally the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me. Thank you" I said but then frowning " I didn't get a present for you though".

"That's okay you can just get me a really nice present next year" she said once more smiling.

I swear the entire day she never stopped smiling. We ate cookies and food and more cookies and began to become friends. I told her about the weird Christmas party the night before.

"Oh Fianna. She such an angel isn't she. I'm sure she used you as a pity tool to get guys" Ginny said sarcastically.

"Yeah well kind of" I said.

"You give her too much credit. But let's move on. I don't like talking about people that I don't like".

So for a good hour or two we curled up on the couch with tea and hot cocoa and told each other about our lives. Ginny filled me in on everything about Penderwick Academy and the teachers. I told her about my life back home.

Halfway through the conversation I realized that I was kind of weird that Ginny wasn't home with her family.

"Hey Ginny why are you still at school on Christmas?" I asked not expecting an answer.

She gave a sad smile (but seriously how was she still smiling) and told me about how her parents had gotten a tropical disease on their 25th anniversary trip to Bora Bora. It was such a sad story that I felt tears pricking at my eyes. Ginny's parents had left her a small fortune and their will stated that they wanted her to get the best education she could. The school knew that we both had no home to go to for the holiday so they let us stay in our dorm.

I had the best ever Christmas. Ginny opened her presents which were from her aunts and uncles all over the world. And I opened the gifts my parents had sent me. We ate panfuls of cookies and baked even more. I was so glad that my roommate was so awesome and not a slob or a bore. Ginny and I got along so well I was sure that we would become close friends.

I went to bed that night with fears assuaged. I had already made one friend and she seemed nice. I hoped everyone else could be just like her and then I would be set. I fell asleep warm and cozy and dreamt of happy years to come.

Hey so
What about Ginny? She's pretty darn adorable. Please comment and vote let me know what you think.
Hope you liked it.

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