Christmas Party

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Author's Note
Hey, so pretty excited for this book. Going to try to update at least once a week if I can remember. And I'm going for romance but I'm not gonna try and milk it or make you guys hate me. I'm going for cute love story that ends happy because we write to reach perfection. Also all of these characters are purely fictional and any relation to real people is coincidental.
Hope it's good.
Even though it was supposed to be a "social party" everyone seemed to already know everyone else. It's what one would expect halfway through the year. I sighed in frustration. Of course my parents had to send me off to some high end school in the middle of the year for no reason. The only thing they had told me was "Go have some fun while you're there". Sure, I thought, I'll have tons of fun of in an entirely different country where I know no one and have no friends and a lack of social skills. I gave the wall a tiny little kick. It wasn't my fault I was shy.

Tugging at my red sweater I surveyed the crowed. It was a Christmas party so everyone was wearing ugly sweaters. Everyone milled around cheerfully talking and laughing. All the sound made me feel even more alone, along with the weird glances I got from people who happened to look my way. But I couldn't leave because then I would be the loser who spent Christmas all by themselves. I just wish someone would talk to me.

As if angels had heard my prayer a blue eyed blonde slid up next to me.

"Hey how about you and I meet up under the mistletoe" he said.

Other girls would have giggled because he was extremely attractive however I like the killjoy I am said "That would be hard seeing as the mistletoe is already occupied by at least twenty desperate girls."

And it was true. Any girls who didn't have a date or who wasn't sucking someone's face was milling under the mistletoe quite pathetically in my opinion. The guy looked taken aback.

"Well um okay. See you later" he said dashing off to find a more willing victim.

But he still gave me a small smile as he left which in turn made me smile.

Maybe it was that smile that made another person start talking to me I don't know.

"Hey. I've never seen you before. My name is Fianna. Welcome to Penderwick Academy" a gorgeous girl said to me.

She was wearing anything but an ugly sweater. Her sparkly sweater dress looked amazing with her golden blonde hair and her designer boots were adorable.

"Uh hi I'm Ruth. I just transferred here" I said quietly.

"Oh aren't you just an adorable mouse. Well I just happen to be the Junior class president so I'm the perfect person to introduce you to your new school" she said with her smile getting wider if that was even possible.

She took my arm and we started walking around the party. She would introduce me to people who I was pretty sure I would never be friends with ever. Because most of them were guys. We avoided the group of desperate girls under the mistletoe entirely which I was relieved about. And it wasn't that I had something against guys I just like hanging out with my girlfriends.

"So I heard you're from Michigan. Is
that true?" Fianna asked me.

I nodded my head ever so slightly. "

"Oh you poor dear that must mean you have no friends here at all" she cooed.

You hit it right on the head I thought to myself. But by now I was ready to go back to my dorm.

"Yeah I don't. But I'm getting sort of ..." I started but Fianna cut in "Oh you poor baby how awful. To have no friends and to be in a new country."

realized just then that we were we talking to a group of very attractive boys. I blushed beet red. When she asked me another question I stuttered and smiled. My mind turned up a gear. Oh man she was using me as a pity girl to get a guy. I blushed even harder if that was possible. But when I looked at the guys we were talking to they all looked disinterested. I noticed that one of them was the boy who had tried to hit on me earlier. When he saw me staring he winked at me and gave me a small smirk. I wrinkled my nose back at him and slowly disengaged my arm from Fianna's. Slowly backing away I made it to the door and with a sigh of relief I stepped out into the biting winter wind.

I looked back for a second and I thought I saw a figure staring at me intensely with two piercingly blue. Thinking better of it I shut the door and walked back to my dorm. I supposedly shared it with another girl but I hadn't met her yet. Pushing that idea from my head I looked up at the sky. The stars were shining bright and snow was lazily drifting down. I closed my eyes and did a little twirl. My face stretched into a full blown smile the first that I had here in England.

I had always loved winter and Christmas not for the presents and the carols and the lights, although they were an added bonus, but for the snow and the cold and the ethereal beauty of it all. Even though it was the middle of the school year winter was the perfect time for me to transfer because to me it was the most wonderful time of the year.

I made it back to my dorm without getting too lost. Thankfully my mysterious roommate was not there or else I would have had to be extremely rude because I crashed the minute I flopped onto my new bed which was surprisingly cozy. I dreamed of happy things and a pair of blue eyes.
Who's blue eyes could they be and why do they have such an effect on Ruth? Also fun fact my parents almost named me Ruth for whatever weird reason. Hope you enjoyed the first chapter because there will be many more to come.

Christmas on.

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