chapter 2 - far away

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Far away I observe,

Why was i given birth?

To torture myself with your shiny newly washed hair?

To see you here and there?

Nothing I could do except watch,

You are my life saving torch.

Expensive jewelleries and slutty dresses I bought,

But your eyes are the only ones I do not catch…

I feel tired, why are you so quiet?

You talk, you flirt, you laugh, but not with me…

How do you think that makes feel?

The anger inside me is enough to kill.

I sigh, I stare, I glare, you still don’t notice…

Why are you so … dopey?!

Even though we’ve only spoken once,

Your smile, your eyes, your lips are inside my head like a tattoo I can’t get rid of,

I want you to get inside and dig through my heart core,

To find the secret door,

To have eternity with me.

But that’s not happening; I guess that’s why I am crying.

I tear my eyes from you,

Why did you put your hands in your pants? Ewwww!

I am not fazed by your interaction with her,

But I do hate her.

How dare she still my man?!

But she can.

Because he’s not mine.

My friends are confused, I refuse … to tell the truth.

I am hiding this secret,

The secret that reveals my love for you.

The differences between us are too big,

The jigsaws that forms us are missing,

When will we be kissing?

Not anytime, I guess...

I am still observing far way, still waiting…


So Ace (boy) once made Heart (girl) laugh so hard that she fell in love with him that instant, it was love at first sight.

Heart started to observe him like a hawk to its preys, trying hard to not let him out of her sight. But after that one laugh, they never interacted with each other again; there was no chance for their relationship to progress.

In the end, Heart decided to let fate decide and stopped worrying, just looking and watching out for him whenever she can. It was easier that way.

To Heart, Ace is different, another specie from mars, always with a smile on his face, never caring about anything, just goofing around whenever he can.

But to Ace, Heart was just a little girl, nothing more.

There was nothing to do between them except wait, let time and fate decide.


Perfect 2 by Auburn 

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