My country

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My country, my soul mate,

My country, my mid – night dream date.

The place I was born in,

Is 10000 times better than the other places I’ve been.

The fresh smiles,

I think I can see myself walking down the aisle.

As I embrace the welcomes from families and relatives.

Nothing but words like “I remember you!” is best to give.

Already, I dread the goodbyes.

Already, I am scared of returning to my previous life.

When I go, will I cry?

Although, now I only care about the present.

Every day is packed with fun trips that I will remember for the rest of my life.

Every day is full of people that I am scared of losing when I go.

Every day, I am happy.

But when night comes, I count how many days I have left.

I feel scared again.

Will I cry now?


I may be filled up with sadness at night,

But at day, my wonderful time begins.

How I missed the little girl next door that is now 15,

How I missed all my childhood friends,

How I endured not seeing them every day,

I actually don’t know……

The sadness goes away when I see him,

My whole life turns from being grim,

To being a colourful wonderland.

When he offers me his hand,

I say yes.

As we walk hand in hand,

I feel secure and safe,

Even if we plunge into a dark cave.

As long as he is there,

Life is finally treating me fair.

Last day of my holiday,

The heartbreaks, the tears and the depressed expressions,

Are too many for my liking.

I promise I’ll be back,

I promise I won’t forget



It's always hard to leave a holiday destination, especially the place one was born.

The Hellos and Welcomes at the start of holiday are okay and the Goodbyes and sad smiles and taers are always so hard to bear, because finally, after a long time, when you are reunited with love ones, you never want to say goodbye ever again.

But maybe deep inside, you made a promise when you wave your hands goodbye.

you promise that you'll come back.

song: I am a loner by CN Blue........................

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