Story #2 (true story, bro)

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So I'm sitting there staring at the classroom wall for like, ten minutes or so, when my phone suddenly starts vibrating.

I had recieved a new text messege from an unknown number. And it said:

unknown: Dude wake up!!

I stared at it mistified for some strange reason. I quickly responded.

Me: What???

I know stupid response..... -_-

unknown: Wake up Temo!-

Me: You hav the wrong # sir... And you just made a highschool student get in trouble with the teacher...

total lie, but worth it....

unknown: oops sorry! just tell him/her that ur brother just got home and you have the house keys.

i was a bit confused at this ^.^ i thought they meant my real brother, but i went along with it...

Me: what? lol....

unknown: sorry lmao

I giggled receiving a warning look from my teacher.

(unfortunnately I forgot the rest that happened so what's next is just made up)

Unknown: my name's Edgar I work in Houston... Do you mind telling me who you are?

*Stranger Danger Alert!!!*

Me: I'm sorry mr. Edgar but thats to much of a personal question. How did u get my number?

Edgar: my friend Temo had this number.

Me: oh well, then u and mr. Temo there shouldn't hav this number anymore. I would really thank u if u erased it from ur phone.

Edgar: alright I respect that. ED IS OUT!! Peace, bye!

Me: thank you for respecting me kind sir. May god bless you for your sincerity.

I immediately regretted sending that message. Ugh! He'll probably think I'm one of those Jehovah's Wittnesses.

He never answered back. TT_TT. ......

But you what the funny thing is? I still get calls from strangers ( both male and female) looking for Temo....

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