Part 2

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Here's part 2
9 wakes up to see hanging knifes, scissors, and needles. He then sees a pair of  scissors going towards his face. He grabs it and throws it away from him. He tries to run away, but falls. A one-eyed-stichpunk helps 9 up on the bed he woke up on.

5: It's okay, I won't hurt you.

5: Didn't expect to see another one.

5 then pulls the scissors out of the floor and once again points the scissors at 9. 9 backed away while 5 cuts an extra string that sewed his shoulder back up. 9 looks at his shoulder in amazement.

5: If 2 were here, he would have done a better job. Ugh! Where did he go?

9: I was with him!

5: 2? Where? Out there? What was he-

Suddenly an old looking stichpunk came through the curtains that acted as doors.

1: Keeping secrets from me, I see.

5: I was coming to tell you.

1 shoves 5 out of his way to 9.

1:What's this?

5: I... I found him in the Emptiness...

1: What were you doing out there?

5: I...

1: You'll lead the beast straight back to us!

5: But...

1: How many times have I told you?

9: The beast. That's what took 2! If we hurry, we can save him.

1: If the beast took him, that's the end of it.

9: But he was still alive.

1: No! We have rules!

1 says while slamming his staff down startling 9. Just then a large stichpunk with a large knife in his hand came through the curtains as well. 1 says while turning around,

1: Our new guest seems confused. Perhaps I can help you achieve some clarity.

With that he walks through the curtains. 8 steadies the large knife with both of his arms and nods his head towards the door. 5 walks out looking down, with 9 following looking at 8with disgust. 8 lunges forward to scare 9, and it worked. 9 jumped back and kept walking forward. He exits seeing a destroyed church with a plane through the roof. 5 then asks 9,

5: It didn't kill him?

8: Quiet!

5 imeadiatly shuts up and keeps walking towards a bucket that acted as an elevator. 8 shoves 9 into the bucket with 5 catching him.

5: Hey.

8 just laughs and starts the "elevator"

5 tells 9,

5: Hold on.

The bucket then rocks causing 9 to quickly grab the edge of the bucket. 8 keeps on cranking the lever to make the bucket rise. 9 looks up to see the height that they were going. 1 then gives 9 a menacing smile. The bucket stops, when 8 pulls down the stopper. 1 opens the side of the bucket that acted as a door and walked out. The rest walk out of it. They walk past a stained glass window. A striped stichpunk looks at them through a huge hole in the wall. 1 puts a hand on 9's shoulder to get his attention. He then waves his staff at a clock.

1: When we woke in this world, it was chaos. Man and machine attacked each other with fire and metal.

It then flashes back to the city when humans were revolting against the machines that turned on them.

Soldier: Look out behind you!

A white stichpunk came over to a war helmet and tapped on it. The helmet opened to reveal slightly younger versions of 1, 2, 6,  and 8.

7: I found others.

She then motioned to some bricks and three stichpunks came out. It was 3 and 4 which were identical twins and 5 with both of his eyes. The three run into the helmet.

7: There's a path ahead.

She then walks away.

1: Follow me.

An explosion happened near the helmet knocking 5 out of it and onto a plank. Just then a human stepped on the plank knocking over 5 while throwing a whiskey bomb at one of the machines. The machine then looks at the human and shoots him down. 5 then gets up and runs away. The machines open their tops and out comes large capsules. 5 runs away trying to dodge them, the third one caused 5 to flip and hit his eye. 5 tries to get up while the machines approach. The capsules then open and release a green gas that kills the flowers that were near it. 2 is looking for 5 and then sees him trying to get up. 2 then helps him up seeing his missing eye. They start to walk away as the machines start to gain on them. 7 sees a machine about to step on them and she tackles them out of the way. They pass by 1 and 7 gives him a disgusted look and a slow nod 'no' they get back into the helmet and walked away.

1: The gas killed everything.

(End of flashback)
1 lights a match.

1: I led us here to sanctuary. And here we waited for the war to end. Slowly the world became silent.

1 takes 9 and walks with him.

1: The only thing that remains now is the beast.

He then points to a black painting of the beast with the match in his hand.

1: So we stay hidden. And we wait for it, too, to sleep.

As 1 finishes his sentence, the match burns out.

9: But where did it come from? Why is it hunting us?

1: Questions like that are pointless. We need to protect ourselves, keep ourselves out of danger. Too many of us have already been lost.

He then walks to a ripped calender of February. 3, 4, and 7 are crossed off. 1 crosses off 2 with the match like it was a marker.

9: But he isn't lost.

1 scoffs and walks off.

9: Why aren't you listening to me?

1: 2 chose his own path! I suggest you avoid making the same mistake.

He then looks at 5.

1: Go to the watchtower and take our guest with you.

1 then walks off to his throne while 9 and 5 walk in the opposite direction.
Now it's over 1000. Every time, I'm going to try to stop at 1000 words. So now it is 1064 words. Pasta laveesta!

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