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  It was a rainy day in London. Aing was out shopping with her mum. She had begged her to let her stay home, however her mother was having none of it, as she had to "go out and stretch for once".The thing was that Aing was socially awkward. She just wanted to stay home and scroll through tumblr or something.That obviously didn't happen.

  See, Aing never really had friends. At least any in school. People had always made fun of her name and called her all sorts of things. She didn't need those kinds of people in her life. Although she didn't have any friends in real life, she had a few internet friends that she loved dearly. She wished they could meet in real life, however they all lived in america, so that was impossible.

  Aing sighed as she waited outside for her mother to be done with all this shopping.
  Suddenly, something caught her eye. It was a tøp store. She internally screamed. Aing looked back at her mother who was still shopping, and decided to check the place out. It'll only take a few minutes, She thought as she pulled down her hood a bit further and walked to the store.

30 minutes later..

  Aing checked her watch. She had been in the store looking for all the things she couldn't afford for.. 30 minutes?!
  "Shit" She muttered as she ran back to the store her mother was in. Or supposed to be in. She couldn't find her mother anywhere. Now I've done it. What made the situation worse was that her parents had never given her a phone, as she "didn't need it". Aing rolled her eyes as she looked for her mother.

  About an hour later of looking, she gave up. Where the hell was her mother?
  That's when she saw 2 tall men walking with their phones out. She nervously walked up to them and asked the brown headed man if she could borrow his phone to call her mom. He nodded. As she was tapping her mother's number, she couldn't let go of the thought that they looked very familiar. It's just my imagination, she thought and shrugged it off.

"So do you want a picture or something?" The black haired man asked, smiling at her.

"W-what no, why?"

The two man looked at each other, smiled and shrugged.
"Hello, mom? Yeah I'm outside the store where you were shopping.. 30 minutes ago."

"Okay honey I'll be there in 5 minutes, stay there."

"ok mum bye"

  She hung up, and handed the phone back to the brown haired male.

"T-thanks for letting me use your phone."

"No problem!" The brown haired man raised his thumb to give her a thumbs up, accidentally punching his friend in the process. Aing snorted, and quickly covered her hand as soon as she realized what happened. The two men laughed at her snort.

"Well we have to go now. Have a nice day!"

"Y-you to thanks." Aing muttered so low she was sure they hadn't heard her.

They grinned and waved.

Her mother arrived soon after looking really worried.

"where were you??" She asked angryily, but worried.

"I went to check out a store.." Aing said sheepishly.

  Her mother sighed a shook her head.

"You worried me."
"I can tell"
"Let's go home"
"Yes please"


Hi Aing ur probably the only person read this so like um yeah.
This is my first fanfiction I ever wrote, as you can see. So like don bully me pls I know it sucks and that it's boring.
Oh and this is based on my friend if you didn't know already so

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