A New Family

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With Lily dressed in her new robes and Severus dressed in his old and worn robes that his mother barely convinced his father to buy, the two followed the other 1st years into their boats. At first, he was quite taken aback by the massive man they call Hagrid, but his warm voice was comforting to Severus, although he'd never admit it.

Severus smiled at Lily's excitement as their boat began to glide over the water towards the giant and towering castle called Hogwarts.

"How are they doing that?" she squeaked as the leaned over the edge to look at the shimmering water. "Severus, how?"

"It's just a charm," he chuckled. "It's not the impressive."

"It is to me," Lily sighed blissfully and leaned against him as she looked up at the sky. "It's just so... magical."

"Your magical," he wanted to tell her, but he sufficed with just enjoying her warmth against his body. And her hair... it smelled of the most pure of flowers.

Almost to soon did they arrive at land again. At first, Severus was a bit grumpy his moment with lily was interrupted, but it was quickly replaced with excitement as they were lead inside by Hagrid. Inside they were instructed to wait quietly, but none of the first years listened.

"Is that a ghost?" Lily squealed beside him, clutching her arm and pointing at a ghastly figure covered in blood.

"That must be the Bloody Barron!" he told her. "My mum's told me about him."

"Ghosts," Lily murmured. "Ghosts."

"I can't believe that after everything you've already seen, you're surprised by ghosts," he laughed at her and she elbowed him playfully.

Soon a woman dressed in emerald green robes with a matching witches hat entered the room with a rolled piece of parchment in her hand. Though she smiled at everyone, it was clear she was a stern woman.

"My name is Minerva Mcgonagall, but you will refer to me as Professor Mcgonagall. It is my duty to make sure you're all clean and ready to be presented for the sorting ceremony."

Someone in their midst raised their hand and Mcgonagall nodded for them to continue.

"What is the sorting ceremony, miss?"

She smiled.

"I'm afraid you will have to wait and see. Now, please line-up so we can walk inside in an orderly fashion."

Lily jumped behind Severus and giggled.

"Are you afraid?" he asked her as Mcgonagall began to check over the students. 

"No," she whispered. "It's exciting knowing what's going to happen for a change."

Mcgonagall paused as she looked down at Severus. He felt himself go red.

"You wouldn't by chance be related to Eileen Prince would you?"

Severus quickly nodded.

"She's my mother, professor."

"I went to school with her," she nodded her approval. "A marvelous witch, she was. I'm sure you will make her proud."

Her words warmed his heart, but all he could do was nod. In front of him he saw the two boys on the train pointing and laughing at the exchange but Severus simply ignored them. Mcgonagal looked like she wished to say more, but continue down the line. Out of the corner of his eye he watched her swish her wand in his direction and felt his robes begin to shift. Looking down, he noticed the to long hemline was moving up his leg and watched in amazement as the holes and tears knit themselves together. By the end of the magic, his robes looked just as good as Lily's. This time, he joined in on Lily's amazement.

Soon, the first-years were being lead through the big doors into a room filled with students seated at different tables. When his eyes fell upon the green and silver table, he felt his heart skip a beat. Those people were going to be his new home.

Lily was looking around in wonder and awe. Her eyes were particularly fixed upon the enchanted ceiling and twice she tripped into Severus as she tried to keep her eyes on it.

"Careful," he warned her, but not to sternly. "I don't think the others like being pushed." 

This didn't seem to bother Lily at all.

Lining up together at the front of the room, McGonagall revealed the stool and the hat and all the kids around Severus and Lilly breathed a sigh of relief. Quick enough, names were called. 

The ceremony was uneventful, although Severus did note some familiar names. When Sirius Black was called and Severus recognized him as one of the two boys, he began to pray silently. It was no secret the Black family could be traced all throughout the Slytherin house. Luckily, he was sorted into Gryffindor.

It wasn't long before Lily's name was called and she jumped forward after an eager and excited squeeze of Severus' hand. Just like before, Severus began to pray but after only a second on two the hat announced...


No! Severus felt like someone had punched him in the gut as he watched Lily run down the steps to the table of red and gold where she began to shape hands with those around her. After a moment, her eyes met his and her smile wavered. Severus tried to smile at her and give her a thumbs up, but he could tell she wasn't convinced. 

"It doesn't matter that much," he told himself. "Lily and I will always be friends." 

The night only seemed to get worse from there though. Severus watched in disgust as not only was the other boy from the train sorted into Gryffindor, but three others that appeared to be their friends. He tried not to feel betrayed as Lily shook hands with each of them as they joined her at the table.

By the time Severus' name was called, he was tired and just wanted to get something to eat. Making his way to the front and sitting down on the stool, Mcgonogall looked down with a smile as the hat descended onto his head. Severus said it along with the hat,


There was a wild cheer at the Slytherin table as Severus dashed towards them, casting a final wave to an equally cheering Lily who was earning glares from her fellow Gryffindors. Severus was right, they would always be friends.

"Hi Severus," said an older boy with prefect badge and white, glistening hair. "It's so good to have another Snape in our house."

"Are you a Malfoy?" he asked without thinking. His mother mentioned being friends with a family of silver locked hair. 

The prefect nodded

"My name is Lucius," he said with a pat on his back. "Think of us all as your new family."

The Hogwarts Experience of Severus Snape and Lily EvansWhere stories live. Discover now