Chapter 6: First Day

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Chapter 6:

Albus woke up to the harsh introduction of morning light.

"Wake up already, we're going to be late for breakfast!"

His habit of sleeping in past breakfast time was no different at Hogwarts and Scorpius was often the one to make sure he made it to the Great Hall on time. Albus groaned and weighted himself to the bed, but his friend knew how to deal with him at this point. Grabbing his wand from his bedside table, Scorpius pointed it at the lazy teen and a small red spark struck Albus.

"Ouch! Scorpius, what the hell!?" Albus quickly stood up and rubbed his backside.

"You weren't getting up." Scorpius responded cheekily and laid a small bop on his nose.

"Well there's no need to cast a hex on me!" Still rubbing at the small sore on his rear, Albus shuffled out of bed and quickly threw his clothes on before he and Scorpius headed to the Great Hall. Their steps against the stone floor reverberated around the hallways, barely easing the tension between the two. Although their talk the previous night alleviated some of Albus' fears, it didn't get rid of his feelings for Scorpius, and it certainly wouldn't get rid of Scorpius' feelings for Rose.

The pair turned the corner into the great hall and sat at the Slytherin table while their morning meal materialized. Scorpius quickly grabbed a breakfast sandwich and hungrily bit into it, sending bits of egg and crust dropping onto his plate and the table to the mild disgust of his housemates, all except for Albus. Scorpius' struggle to keep his breakfast in his mouth couldn't help but make Albus chuckle. Scorpius swallowed before joining his friend in laughter while everyone else continued their newspaper-reading and conversations.

Albus caught a fourth year Slytherin down the table out of the corner of his eye laughing as well. Composing herself, she sighed and laid her cheek in her palm while eyeing the boy and giving him an affectionate grin. Albus pulled his cheeks into an uncomfortable smile and waved back nervously. It seemed to shock the student who quickly blushed and giggled to the side with her friends. The group of girls excitedly whispered to each other while occasionally looking back at the confused teen.

"Ey, mate I think Jean's into you!" Scorpius whispered into Albus' ear, biscuit crumbs tumbling out in between syllables.

"Well, that's awkward for her." Albus gathered himself and turned around to Scorpius, still struggling with his food. "Scorp, you're a mess."

After the boys finished their meal, the bell rang indicating the start of the first class of the day. Both boys had History of Magic which, although fascinating to Scorpius, was a class that Albus had trouble staying awake in. He wasn't much for memorizing facts and events and he hated being the center of attention when the curriculum taught about his oh so interesting dad. While they headed upstairs to Classroom 72, Rose caught up from behind them and pulled herself close to Scorpius.

"Hey, Scorp! You excited for history of magic this year?"

Albus' teeth grinded together. Rose's very presence seemed to tax his patience.

"Very." Scorpius responded while the trio climbed up the staircase. "I've always found the past very interesting. It's fun to learn about what led the magical world to this point, y'know?"

"I know exactly what you're talking about." Rose smiled and bumped shoulders with Scorpius, whose cheeks were now bright red. The other boy rolled his eyes and took a few steps ahead of his friend and cousin. Finally stepping into History of Magic, Albus quickly grabbed Scorpius' arm and made sure they got seats together while Rose took one right beside them with a Ravenclaw friend.

Albus Potter and his Fifth Year InfatuationWhere stories live. Discover now