Chapter 2~ No One To Tell

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Her mother gave her a sadistic grin as she crept toward her.
"No!" Alisia screamed. "Get away from me!"
" you disobeyed me!"
Her mother lunged at her with the knife that moments ago killed her father. Alisia grabbed her mothers hand and twisted it to the side. She heard her mother's wrist crack as the knife fell to the floor. A loud groan escaped her mother's mouth as she fell to the floor. Just when Alisia thought she had her under control, her mother jumped up and slashed the side of Alisia's face. She screamed and they both suddenly heard a knock At the door.
"I'll be right there!" Her mother said so normally. Like it was just a normal morning. She whispered for Alisia to stay quiet or she would pin everything on her. Her mother opened the door to find her next door neighbor ms. Lenard.
"I didn't mean to bother you, but I heard a scream and wanted to see if everything was alright."
"Yes, yes everything is fine thank you." Her mother replied bluntly.
"What happened to your-"
"Never mind that thank you for your concern Ms. Lenard but everything is fine. Goodbye."
She slammed the door and headed back to the kitchen. Alisia sat weeping by her father's side.
"Now where were we?" Her mother asked, smiling.
"They'll realize I'm missing. I must go to morning classes!"
" what do you suppose they'll do about your face?"
"I'll pretend I fell! I'll make it so everybody sees me fall and then the cut! I promise! No one will know."
Mother got really close and whispered into Alisia's ear. She cringed as she felt the hot air against her wound.
"If you tell anybody, I will kill you so painfully, your tear will turn to blood."
"I won't say a word."
"Okay get dressed. Off you go."
Alisia grabbed her backpack and scarf, covered her face, and ran out the door.
"I love you!" Mother yelled out the door as if she was a perfect parent.
I hope she gets caught. I hope she realizes how terrible she is. I hope she dies, Alisia thought as she threw herself into the nearest pricker bush. Her scream attracted many bystanders and she closed her eyes as she heard footsteps coming her way.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2016 ⏰

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