Friend Zoned

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"He knows! Jack knows Nathan! What in Gods name am i going to do?"

"Em come on calm down it's not that big of a-"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence Nathan James Green."


"Yes it is! I've ruined everything he will never want to talk to me ever again!"


'Friend zoned' The dreaded word we all hate to litter our ears. The word you hear when your heart shatters and your dreams are crushed. Just pure and utter disappointment and once you're in, there's a very slim chance of getting out again.


So here i am, sat in a circle in the pouring down rain in the middle of no-where with my friends. Oh what a fun time to be alive, am i right? So basically me and my friends thought that going camping in November for Jen's , my bestfriend, 16th birthday would be a great idea... how stupid were we. Our parents all said to "hold off" and "wait till summer" but we , the stubborn teenagers we are, decided we knew better. We couldn't go home and give them the satisfaction of being right. Hell no. So instead we stayed and we had another two nights ahead of us.
"Come on guys it's not so bad..." Ryan finally broke the silence we'd all been sat in. However with our happy selves at bay that wasn't such a great idea...
"Piss of man"
"This is the worst"
"Seriously dude! Not that bad?"
A chorus of voices piped up. Each just as aggressively as the last.
"But guys this is for Jen's 16th. We have no parents we're in the middle of a field and we have alcohol what more could we ask for!"
"Ryan I swear to God sit the fuck down man or I will punch you right in the face and knock that smile into next week" Nathan spoke in a husky tone for the first time since we arrived 6hours ago. He was just a aggravated as the rest of us but way more aggressive. Ryan knew this and slumped to the floor in defeat. We were once again snuggled up in a blanket of silence.

Another half an hour had passed and we were all still sat in the same poring down rain, same wet clothes and same resting bitch face face's. I had officially had enough.
"Right get up!" We we're going to be productive for once in our lives. Yeah right no one even flinched.
"I said get up! NOW! "
"Looks like some ones on their period" surprise surprise good old Nathan had piped up once again.
"Nathan why don't you just fuck of home" The words just falling from my mouth like i was used to the insult Wars we had.
"I'd rather not thanks em"
"Man slag"
"Fu-" Nathan was cut of by jack thank god.
"Can you two stop flirting for once in your life"
Sniggers released from everyone's mouths. Megan's , Jen's, Jack's, and Scott's.
"Piss off" was said in unison by myself and Nathan which just made everyone laugh even more...great...

For the past year that we had all been friends me and Nathan had been accused of liking each other. All because we're super close and like he was my best guy friend. Typical. We don't though I assure you that. Like he'd like me pfft. Like I'd like him.

After that ordeal the rain seemed to stop and we finally moved our buts and put up the tents one for the guys and one for the girls obviously. My mum would never have let me come other wise. I can still hear her voice in the back of my mind. "It's not you I don't trust it's everyone else"

The first 2 days flew by and we'd come to our final night. We saved up most of the alcohol we brought and planned to just drink to our hearts content and that's what we did do.

The night started with a round of shots and then another and then another and before we knew it we'd gone through 3 bottles of premium vodka. As well as WKDs and koppenburg my favourite. The music was blasting and quite frankly I was having the time of my life. Then I noticed Jack sat down by the tents koppenburg in one hand and a look of sorrow on his face. Not one of my best ideas considering my state I must admit but I decided to go over and see if I could cheer up my friend in need. So I walked over there as best I could without looking like bambi in his first few minutes of being born and plonked myself down right next to jack.
"Hey" jack looked up from his hands
"Oh hey em"
" so whatcha doing over her when the party is wayyyyy over there" dragging out the way to make myself seem 'cool'
"Oh nothing just chillin really got a bit of a sticky feeling that's all" I could tell he didn't want me there but my drunken self told me to stay and that's what I did. We sat in silence for a few minutes and I just kind of sat there swaying.
"Are you ok em? Maybe you should go to sleep"
"WHAT? nooooo I think you mispronounced em I think we should do another round of shots dance and kiss" then I stopped, realising what I said.
"How about no. You're my friend em I'm not going to let you kill yourself by drinking more come on let's get you to bed"
That word crushed me inside. That one little word.


"Friend?" I asked
"Yes you're my friend the girl who gives me dating advice and is always there to liven up the party and the girl who's there if I need her. My friend"
I felt like he just took my heart ripped it out my chest stomped all over it , fed it to rabid dogs and stomped on it some more.
"Yep that's me"
And even though I was drunk I knew for sure I'd still feel this crushing feeling in the morning.

I had officially been friend zoned.

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