Chapter 2: The girl.

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(this drawing is also made by me, I wanted this story to be illutrated x) )

a few weeks later, Leo's knee feels a lot better. He's not that hurt as he was before. Actually, he's training in the forest with his brothers. they've played hide and seak, they've fight a little, and they're making a race until that they hear an animal howling in pain really loudly.

''guys, what was that ?'' asks Mikey looking approximatively in  the direction of the noise.

Raph with big eyes answers him ''I dunno..''

Leo recognised that it was a wolf, and after what Donnie have said few weeks ago, it could only be the white wolf of the lake ''we should go there and see what happened'' he starts walking really fast without listening his brother.

'I am sure it's the wolf I saw the last time, I have to help it, and after I could proove to my brother that it was true'

determined to help the animal, Leo starts to run in the forest, not really knowing where he is going, with his brother far behind.

-with the animal-

The wolf is stuck and wounded by a bear trap, a farmer with his rifle is in front of it ready to shoot. the little creature can't run away or defends itself, it is the end for it.. it closes the eyes, waiting for its death...


-Donnie's POV-

Raph, Mikey and I were trying to follow Leo, 'gosh for a turtle with a wounded knee he runs fast'. we were still running till we hear a shoot, we come to the place where it came to see Leo behind a farmer holding his arm to don't let him shoot again. then he pushes the man away.

he pointed us with his finger and said scared "you.. you monsters ! you will die ! all of you !" and ran away almost falling because of rocks and roots on the way.

I'm about to ask Leo why he did that but when I see his face I'm curious and I look where he's staring at.. 

there is a girl. Leo and her are looking to each other. then I see her leg bleeding in the bear trap, it bleeds a lot so I get closer to help her out but she starts to freak out and she tries to get away from me which make her injury worse. Well, I kinda have forget that humans are scared about us: big giant talking turtle... 

she looks at me, still scared, I get slowly close to her ''I'm not gonna hurt you, I just want to help, okay ?'' 

she's still scared but let me get closer and help her out ''this is badly hurt, you need medical assistance, I have nothing with me currently..'' I turn my look to my brothers ''we have to take her at the farm house guys'' 

''oh yeaaaaah ! we'll have a new friend !!'' raph slaps Mikey behind the head. 

''yeah we gotta take her at the farm, how bad is it, can she walks on it ?'' Leo said, he looks kinda confused and looks like his mind is half in an other place thinking, but that's not the point actually.

I answer him ''I don't think that she can too much, you could help her to walk ?'' Leo nods and go slowly next to her showing his hands to make her see that he doesn't want to hurt her. 

she accepts the help, she's too weak to run away or anything right now. I can see that it's what she'd like to do. But she doesn't really have the choice.  Leo and her walk behind me, well till that-..

''Donnie !'' Leo scream, I turn and see the girl on the ground, I go fast to her, check her fast

''she's okay, just too weak because of all the blood she lost, you have to carry her''

''hmm okay'' he slowly takes her in his arms and walks with all of us to the farmhouse.

-at the farmhouse- -no POV-

''my name is Leonardo, there are my brothers Raphael, Donatello and Michelangelo. and our humans friends April and Casey'' Leo says to the girl. She's looking at them, still scared.

''so what's your name ?'' asks April, trying to make her talk. the girl didn't say anything since they found her, she doesn't even scream like other humans. She just looks scared.

''where are you comming from ?'' Mikey asks and she still doesn't answer.

Donnie sigh ''we should let her take some rest, she lost a lot of blood, she needs to recover'' everyone leave the room to go upstairs.

''that girl is weird'' Raph says and Donnie answers him ''she's scared, she got her leg hurt by a bear trap, almost killed by a farmer and she saw 4 mutants turtles..'' 

''what she was doing in the forest at the first place ? don't you found that weird ?'' Raph add. 

Casey get in the conversation ''I'm with raph on that point, she's in a dress without shoes in the forest and it's still really cold ! that is not normal''

''and why that farmer tried to kill her ?'' the little Mikey asks sad. they all continue to talk about that till Donnie says ''Leo you okay ? you don't have say anything as well'' 

Leo get out of his mind and say ''hm ? yeah I'm fine, I... hmm.. I'm just tired of that day, it's late, we should go sleep'' 

everyone agree and go to their room with Leo the first in his and Donnie the last thinking that Leo is hidding something..

it's the end of that chapter ! after Donnie's POV I was lost lol thanks to Youanna and Cam for the help x)

it's not that good I know, it's my first story in english, but I promise i'll try to make it better in the next chapters.

leave a comment, I love read them, if you got any ideas I want to know them as well cos you're as important as me in it ! :)

(I did an update because there were many errors and the biggest one was that I said wolf trap instead of bear trap, it is because in french we say "piège à loup" (wolf trap) mostly x) )

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