Chapter 2

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It was time. Lucy was standing in a large plain room that acted as the anima's link to other worlds. Her all black attire consisted of: a blouse with leather armor under her chest and around her waist with several pouches attached to the leather; skin-tight jeans with two dagger sheaths hidden on either leg, with a key ring and several gold and silver keys attached to the key ring; combat boots that have dried blood and mud on the toe caps; leather finger-less gloves that go from her hands to her elbows; a sheath on her lower-back for her sword; and a black scarf and hood shrouding her physical features. Lucy sheathed her sword while waiting, her sword that gave guards nightmares. It was not a magical ability that did this, it was Lucy's skills with the sword. She used it to take down whole light guilds in the past just because she was too bored to wait for a contract. "We are starting the transfer." A councilman spoke up in the uncomfortable silence that had covered the waiting area. At his words the transfer room started to glow a pale blue as Lucy stood in the heart of the light, and like a ghost Lucy disappeared into thin air as the light disperses.

On the other side of the anima Lucy appeared in a tree about fifteen feet off of the ground, the first thing she noticed from the branch she was standing on was the snow. The whole area was covered in snow, 'Just my luck, I'm either in a naturally cold place, or I got sent here in the middle of winter.' Lucy thought annoyed at her current situation, 'Well, may as well try to find a village or something to stay at.' With that thought Lucy jumped to the ground, landing with a short roll. She started heading off in a North-North-East direction marking trees several hundred meters apart with two 'x's with her dagger...

After five kilometers Lucy finally reached a small village. About two dozen villagers were walking around and completing their everyday chores, some of the villagers that noticed Lucy turned to her and started showing signs of insecurity at the black-clad female. One of the villagers, whom from Lucy's observations looked like the leader, walked up to Lucy and asked, "What do you want with our village?" His words laced with unease. Sensing this Lucy removed her hood and scarf that was shrouding her face, not taking any notice to several villagers gasps, Lucy answered, "I was walking through the forest when I noticed this village, and since I am a traveler I came to see if I could stay for a night or two." At her words the village leader tensed, letting out a small sigh he spoke, "We do not have a lot of supplies, so I am sorry but we can not let you stay here." At his words some of the unmarried men cursed, but the leader's worries were outright rejected with Lucy's next sentence, "That is alright, I will pull my weight and help you get firewood, water, or even meat if you need it. I just want to have a place to stay for the next few days." The village leader and another man exchanged thoughts with each other before the other man spoke up, "We accept your proposal. The hunting party leaves in thirty minutes, get prepared and meet at the hut with different animal hides out front." Lucy nodded her head and started to walk to the hut.


"OW! Watch where you're go--ing" A boy with short somewhat unruly, dark brown hair with a headband around his forehead, and brown eyes had ran into Lucy. Lucy looked down at him with a curious look before the boy said in a fake-playboy tone , "Hey, my name is Ieyasu. What is your name beautiful?" Lucy looked down stifling a laugh before she replied, her words laced with a hint of playfulness, "My name is Lucy Heartfilia, what is yours kid?" At Lucy's words, several tick marks appeared on Ieyasu's face as he spoke, "Who are you calling a kid?! I am the great Ieyasu, the strongest of all the villager's hunters. And you look younger than me and I am 17!" At this point Lucy couldn't help but laugh at Ieyasu, wiping a tear from crying too hard, Lucy said, "Kid, I'm 25 years old, and I do not think the 'great Ieyasu' would be able to keep me entertained for even a minute." Letting her words sink in, Ieyasu was practically steaming with anger as he shouted, "Fine fight me!" The second the word 'me' left Ieyasu's mouth he found himself pushed onto the ground with a dagger slightly digging into his throat. Lucy had gotten behind him and pushed him to the ground, pulling his head up using his hair and keeping it in place. Bending down to his head Lucy whispered playfully, "Are you having fun? This may be the furthest you will ever go with a girl."

"Hey! What are you doing to Ieyasu?!" Lucy looked up to the soft yelling of a black haired and eyed girl, her hair adorned with a white butterfly accessory, underneath Lucy she heard Ieyasu mumble, "Sayo..."

With a mischievous glint in her eyes Lucy turned to Sayo and playfully asked, "Oh? Is this your boyfriend Sayo?" The girl had a light blush go to her face before she stuttered, "W-What are you t-talking about?" Lucy got off of Ieyasu and sheathed her dagger before turning to the still red Sayo and giggling, "Don't worry. He just asked me to fight him, and it was one-sided in my favor. I'm Lucy Heartfilia, nice to meet you." Sayo visibly relaxed and the heat faded from her cheeks. She went to say something, but was cut off when Lucy said, "I can't be bothered waiting. I'm gonna go start hunting, tell them I set off when they get here. Bye Ieyasu, bye Sayo." And with that she faded into the wind, leaving the two to think, 'Who the hell is she?'  

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