A very naked Tom

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"You were amazing darling". She almost jumped out of her own skin, when Zac suddenly put his arms around her from behind in the backstage area.

She snapped around and hit him in the chest with a fist sounding annoyed. "Fuck Zac, you scared the shit out of me, and what are you doing here ? Didn't we agree you would stay at home ?"

"Ouch don't hit me, it wasn't my idea, go hit Tom, he told me to come down here". He put up his most innocent face.

She marched over to Tom's dressing-room and ripped the door open. "Tom I got a bone to pick with you".

"Ehh could that wait till I am at least somewhat decent ?" He said looking a bit surprised and very naked and she slammed the door, beet red in the face.

Zac looked at her and she stammered totally perplexed. "Oh God fuck, I guess he was changing".

Zac choked with laughter and she kind of wanted to hit him again, couldn't he understand how embarrassing it was ? No probably not.

"Darling, just think about how many woman who would love to be in your shoes in that moment, now you can brag about having seen Tom naked". Zac was still chuckling.

She sent him an evil glare. "That might be, but I happen to find it very embarrassing".

Five minutes later the door opened and Tom walked out, Amelia hid her face against Zac's shoulder, wishing for the ground to swallow her up.

"Hey Hiddles I think you scared my girlfriend quite a lot". Zac said grinning and ruffled her hair.

Tom chuckled. "Well maybe she will remember to knock then, not my fault if she saw something bigger than she is used to at home".

"Hardly Hiddles, hardly". Zac said with a crooked self-assured smile and Amelia groaned hiding her face in her hands.

"No Tom, don't even thing about saying that out loud, and no we are most definitely not having a dick measuring contest". Chris said walking up to them.

Amelia looked up at him, relieved he had shown up just then. "Tell me Chris, are those two always like that when they are together ?"

"Yes pretty much, when they are not worse, they are 8 year old boys stuck in the bodies of grown men". Chris answered grinning.

She breathed in deeply and looked at Tom, it was a bit embarrassing looking him in the eyes. "Sorry I barged in on you, but why are you telling Zac to come down here when I told him not to ?"

"Because I thought that we could all go out for a couple of drinks, maybe a bit of dancing". He looked at her making the sweetest face.

Uh it was pretty much impossible to stay angry with him when he was making that face, and she looked away, only to have Zac looking at her all puppy dog eyed, which weren't any better. "Okay okay, just stop that, both of you".

They went to a club nearby and it turned out to be a really great evening, even though she didn't sit down at all, because both Zac and Tom loved to dance and kept her on the dance floor the entire evening, she even danced with Chris for a bit.

And of course they had a dance off, wanting her and Chris to judge, but they called the 5th and refused to call a winner.

Sometime really late they said goodnight to Tom and Chris, both hugging her closely, saying they hoped to see her again soon.

She was really tired when they drove home, Zac had only had two drinks the whole evening and was fit to drive home, Amelia fell asleep after five minutes of driving.

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