"Mako and I should head back to class.... Once again, nice to meet you all." Usagi waved to them and walked back into the class with her.

"Three... Two... One..." Usagi counted in her head.

"Oh my goodness those boys were extremely cute, weren't they?! And tall! Taller than me!" Makoto kept gushing out things about the attractive boys while Usagi laughed.

"Of course for you Mako-chan. But my heart is for one man only!" She said.

"Let me guess, that man is Mamoru?" Makoto smirked. Usagi blushed and turned away.

"Maybe...." Makoto giggled at Usagi's shyness of admitting it.

Later, the girls met up in the courtyard.

"Mako-chan!! Your food looks so yummy!" Usagi and Minako gushed as they looked to Makoto's lunch.

"Mine isn't all that special though..." Minako said, looking to her bento box.

"Oh no!" All attention was turned to Usagi.

"What's wrong?" They all ask. Usagi looked to them all in horror.

"I forgot my lunch back at home! I was in such a rush I didn't grab it!" She sobbed.

"Usagi-chan! You dummy!" Minako said before being hit in the back of her head by Rei.

"Though I agree with Minako, I feel sympathy for you." Rei began eating again. Usagi sighed sadly before feeling a heavy weight on the back of her head. She saw the other girls blushing while looking over her head. Then she looked up.

"Missing something?" That voice. "Bun-head?"

"Mamo-chan!" She looked surprised, but who wouldn't?

"I saw your lunch on the counter and waited for your luch time to bring it to you." He said.

"Don't you have school?" She asked, rather bluntly. He looked up.

"Nope." He chuckled with a smirk. "Something happened and they ended up emailing students about the situation. Apparently, some pipes broke and flooded half of the school." He explained.

"Oh... Was anyone hurt?" She asked. He shook he shook his head, making her sigh in relief. "W-Well... Anyways... Thanks...!" She smiled and blushed as she looked up to him. He smiled patted her head then walked out as she opened her lunch and began to enjoy eating.

"Usagi... was that...?" She looked to them. She swallowed her food then drank some water.

"You mean my Fiancé? Yeah.... That was him..." She was about to continue eating once more before Minako grabbed her by her shoulders.

"USAGIIIII! YOU MUST EXPLAIN!" She practically yelled as she shaked her crazily.

"M-Minako-chan.... Calm down please..." Usagi asked as she was beginning to get dizzy. She explained to them all what happened and how he just so happened to be the same guy that saved her life.

"Usagi, you lucky woman!" Minako groaned. She held so much envy for the rabbit.

"S-Shush Minako! I'm not that lucky! How would you feel if your Dad forced you into a marriage to the son of his friend's company just to boost his own company! And Ego!" She complained. Minako thought for a moment.

"If he was as hot as your fiancè is, then, I'd be all for it." She winked and Usagi blushed, hit her friend playfully on the arm, and sighed.

"You have a point..." Usagi found herself agreeing with her friend.

Later, after school, she found that Mamoru wasn't home. "Mamo-chan?" She asked as she looked around the house. She grabbed her phone and texted him and waited for his response.

It took a few minutes, but he finally replied to her telling her to dress in some comfortable clothing for her. She asked why but he didn't respond. She shrugged and went to their room and changed to a pink blouse with a white skirt that was just above her knees.

Walking into the bathroom, she undid her buns and brushed her hair for a little while and put her buns back then made her long ponytails curly with her brush.

She smiled to herself and then went to do her homework until she heard from Mamoru. She didn't need to wait very long because her phone began to ring.

"Hey, Usako." He said.

"Mamo-chan. What is going on?" She asked.

"Just... I need you to turn off any lights lock the door on your way out of the house. I am in my car waiting right now." He replied.

She sighed an 'okay' and hung up. Walking around the house, she shut off all of the lights then left to Mamoru's car, locking the door behind her.

After he started the car, and their drive began, Usagi asked Mamoru where he was taking her.

"Its a surprise." Was his only response.

It was silent for the rest of the way. Since it was a surprise, she closed her eyes.

The car soon stopped. "Are we there yet?" She asked.

"Yes we are. Why are your eyes closed?" He asked and she felt his hand grab hers.

"You said a surprise, so I want to make sure to keep it that way until you say so." Usagi smiled and heard him chuckle.

"You can go ahead and open them." She heard in her ear, sending shivers down her spine and causing her blush to grow.

She opened her eyes to see a fairly fancy restaurant.

"I hope you don't mind, but I was hoping you'd go on a date with me."

Sorry for the long wait.

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