Untitled Part 1

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        This was the last time that I would listen to her bullshit filled lecture, her pleas for another chance, accept her excuse filled apologies, and look at her fake smile and attempt to meet it with a genuine looks of "I don't care." I was normally a very passive individual, but this one girl was constantly getting under my skin. I have gone to multiple people about her. I've tried to stay calm like he told me. I've tried to ignore her just as my mother had instructed me to. I've even taken things to the administrative level, nothing seemed to stick. 

        The last thing I remember is looking her in her eyes and listening to the words that had hammered the final nails in her coffin.

        "I bet your mom was a whore in school and you were just a mistake." She pressed her glasses up the bridge of her nose while a sly smirk crossed her face as if she had just won a prize. Little did she know that she had won a trip to the intensive care unit. 

        I calmly looked up at her from under my lashes and grinned an evil grin. Everyone around stopped. The world seemed to move in slow motion. Until I swung. My right fist hit her jaw. She stumbled backward holding her jaw, she wiped blood from her lip and tried charging me as a hippo would to someone too close it's meal. I ducked and took her weight as my advantage. Grabbing her at her waist and knocking her to the ground. She latched onto my long hair, trying to pull me to the ground. I continued to land blows to her face. Right, left, right, right. Blow after blow. A circle was soon around us and I had no where to go unless I wanted someone who was innocent to get involved in this. 

        This was when my whole subconscious took over. I blacked out and my vision was gone. Relying purely on the instinct of the fight. I landed more blows. Soon I felt something crack and reality was back. My vision came too, I looked around me for a split second. There was the group still around us. My best friend stood in front of us, a look of fear glued to his face. At this time she got the best of me and managed to flip me onto the ground. She straddled my body between her legs and she sat on top of me. My breathing now restricted I thought this through at a speedy pace. She looked up at the same exact person that my eyes had met and I seen the opportunity to flip her completely. I bucked my hips causing her to fly forward. He moved revealing the steps that lead to the cafeteria. Her mouth agape meeting the step, leaving her mouth bloody. Her screams of pain were the only thing that could be heard. The crowd around us was silent. Not a single word, not a single phone was lifted, not a single ring of the all so familiar "World Star" was heard. 

        I latched onto her ankle and pulled on her skinny jean covered leg. Pulling her back to me, she cried out and tried to land a few more punches. I dodged them and landed some back onto her face. The final blow before I was peeled from her by the Corporal and my best friend was right on the bridge of her nose, snapping her glasses and the cartilage underneath. 

         Once I was peeled off I basked in the glory of what I had finally been able to accomplish. I looked back as I was handcuffed. The cold metal on my skin mixed with the warm liquid that was on my hands, my jeans covered in blood, and I was escorted off of the school ground with the same grin on my face as I had when I had first landed the first blow. 

        I had finally done it. There was nothing left. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2016 ⏰

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