Puppet Master

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Dans POV

My bum was plunked comfortably into the chair, thats what i've always been, comfortable.

Because if the puppet master isn't comfortable in his own show then he isn't really much of a puppet master ain't he?

My glassy eyes wandered around the classroom, my classroom, because i own everything i touch. That's the best part about being the puppet master. You pull all the strings.


Anyways, i let my eyes wander around, sucking in my surroundings like an empty, soulless, vacuum. Because thats all i was really. A vacuum picking up everyone else's broken pieces and using it against them.

It was delightful really, manipulating people. You get to twist them and turn them and mold them into your perfect zombies like clay.

Clay students and silicone staff wandering around the halls. The staff were silicone because they were already molded. Some were beautiful multicolored molds, that shared kindness and believed in happiness. There were some molds though, that smelled and shared disgusting and unwanted things, like homophobia and hatred. The teachers who give students a packet of work to do over school break for no damn reason other than 'If i'm miserable than your going to be miserable too.'

A lanky boy stood in the front of the class. Head low and eyes jumping around looking for an escape.

The boy's eyes locked with mine, i could practically feel the melancholy radiating off of him.

Looks like you've just found your escape.

This boy looked vulnerable, and thats what made him the perfect target.

And thats what made him the perfect piece of clay.

And thats why the puppet master chose him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2017 ⏰

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