Best Birthday Ever - Evgeni Malkin/Allie (Contest)

Start from the beginning

"He should be here in about five minutes or so, I'll just send him in." he said.

"Okay, thank you so much." Emily said.

The man left and Allie looked at Emily. "What is going on? Why are we here in this weird room?" she asked.

"Well I wanted to give you one more birthday surprise." Emily smiled and looked at the door as it opened.

Evgeni Malkin walked into the room in a black t-shirt and some shorts. He had a card in his hand and smiled. "Which one of you is Allie?"

Allie smiled and stared for a minute. "Um, I'm Allie." She said.

He smiled and walked over. "I heard it's your birthday today." He said

Allie nodded and smiled. "Yeah." She said shyly.

"Well happy birthday." Evgeni smiled, handing her the card.

"Thank you so much." Allie said softly.

Emily smiled. "I've gotta use the restroom." She said and snuck out of the room leaving Allie and Evgeni alone.

"I saw you in the stands earlier." Evgeni smiled. "You've got a beautiful smile."

Allie smiled and felt her cheeks turning pink. "Thank you." she said.

He smiled and bit his bottom lip. "I'm sorry, I'm normally not this forward with women, but something about you's like a spark." He smiled.

Allie smiled and pushed her hair behind her ear nervously. "I've never gotten that before." She said.

"I'm sorry I'm probably really freaking you out." Evgeni said shyly.

"No, no it's okay. Really, you're not freaking me out. I'm just not sure if I'm dreaming or not." She said.

He smiled at her. "Definitely not a dream." He said. "So I was thinking maybe if your friend says it's okay, maybe we could go get some dinner." He said.

Allie smiled and nodded. "I'd like that." She said.

"Great. I've gotta go get changed but then I'll meet you back here, okay?" he smiled.


Evgeni walked out of the room and went to the locker room to get changed. Emily came into the room with a big grin on her face. Allie told her the plan and Emily couldn't help but hug her.

"Em, this is all just...I don't know he said he's never this forward with women." Allie said.

"Allie, he obviously likes you. Just take it one step at a time and don't overthink it." She said.

Allie took a deep breath and nodded. "Okay."

After a few minutes, Evgeni came out dressed and ready to go. Emily said goodbye to Allie and went to her car. Allie and Evgeni went to dinner and ended up really hitting it off. They talked and laughed and had a really great time. They exchanged numbers before Evgeni drove Allie back home. He walked her up to the door and smiled, holding her hands.

"Well I know this probably wasn't in your schedule, but I hope you still had a great birthday." He said.

"Evgeni, this was the best birthday I've ever had." Allie said sincerely. "Thank you so much for dinner and the card and everything." She smiled.

He smiled and nodded. "No problem. Listen, I was kind of hoping we could do this again? Maybe I can cook for you." he said.

Allie smiled and nodded. "I'd like that a lot. I'll make dessert and bring some movies." She suggested.

"Great. It's a date...again." He smiled.

Allie nodded and smiled. "It's a date." She said. "I better get inside." She said.

Evgeni smiled and nodded. "Before I go is there anything else that could make this birthday better?"

Allie smiled. "There's one but I don't want to push it."

"Tell me." He said and rubbed her cheek gently.

"A goodnight kiss." She said softly.

Evgeni smiled and nodded. "That's fine by me." He said and leaned in. He kissed her gently, holding her chin softly.

She kissed back and, as cheesy as it sounds, felt fireworks. She smiled up at him as he pulled away slowly. "Now it's the best birthday ever." She smiled.

Evgeni smiled and nodded. "I agree." He winked.

Sure, the night didn't exactly go as planned, but Allie wouldn't trade this birthday for anything.

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