★ FIVE - пять ★

Comenzar desde el principio

I felt someone roughly grab me, my body too cold and aching to fight back. I was cleansed of my fight, I was cleansed of who I was. He was going to break me and shape me, just like he did more than seven years ago. It felt like just yesterday.

When I was dragged through some random corridors, I tried to memorize the routes, turns, and tunnels but my brain wouldn't intake any of the information. When I got to a cell, I immediately recognized the dreadful room.

№ 17

I cringed at the sign, the number, the meaning, everything about this room. I was thrown into it with no remorse, then immediately stripped of my muscle tank and shorts. It didn't make a difference being stripped of the clothes, they more felt like they were weighing me down. And they were freezing too.

I shivered as I slowly looked around the room, I saw the chains against the wall. The desk in the corner with the long line of syringes, the one blanket and a scratched up half-of-a-pillow. I saw the scratches along the wall, the tally marks, the words, the words...

I didn't notice that I was crying when my eyes scanned over my past memories. I gently used my shaking hands to get up and army crawled over to my makeshift bed. I gently set the thin blanket over me, the blanket barley making it past my calves. I closed my eyes, my body squirming and shivering. I coughed as I sobbed, my makeup smeared everywhere as I wiped some off when I felt some feeling in my hand.

My energy was gone after my head hit the pillow. I closed my eyes, then let the darkness take me over once again.

Maybe I'll die of hypothermia or a cold.

But knowing him, he's going to turn me into something I've run from for so long.


I had slept for four hours before being rocked awake, the guard smashing his boot on my foot as I let out a quavering yelp. My body ached and disagreed with the idea of attacking so I just used my energy to actually get up. The sports bra I was wearing wasn't soaked anymore including my boy shorts. But, I still continued to shiver and on the flip side, I could control my quivering teeth.

I was handed a uniform as I leaned against the wall, the soldier giving me no second glance as he marched out. I closed my eyes before opening them, a long sigh being let out as I stared at the uniform I had tried to burn.

The engravings in it were still there, the number I was given. I breathed before I heard banging on the door as I slowly looked up.

"Hurry up! Or you get another dunk in the chamber!"

I groaned as I stood, my body leaning against the wall since of the lack of blood to my lower half. I felt like I was standing on pins and needles, my entire body telling me to sit back down but I didn't and couldn't endure another dunk.

I changed as fast as I could before slowly inching towards the door, my feet screaming as I saw the door open with a loud bang. The soldier appeared at the door entrance, he noticed my slowness and hesitated to help me. He sighed and grabbed my arm before dragging me down the corridor, everything slowly coming back to my mind.

The soldier carried me most of the way until we made it to a desolate room with a single chair in the center of it, a light shown brightly unlike the rest of the room which was encased in darkness. I was shoved into the chair, then strapped in. I watched as he first strapped down my wrists, then my ankles, then my neck. I gulped when he left, the neck clamp barley making it able for me to breath.

ghost ★ [b. barnes/winter soldier]  Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora