Chapter 4.

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"So where do you wanna get your suit from, mate?" Louis asked me once i got into his car.

"I have no clue." I answer, shaking my head nervously.

"None once so ever?"

"Louis, you're stressing me out right now. I never wear suits, i have no fucking idea where to purchase them." 

"Well i don't wear suits either man."

"I'm gonna call Lou." I decided, pulling out my cell phone and dialing our stylists number.

Lou is only our hair stylist but i'm closer with her than everyone else who works for us, so i trusted her to help me.

"Hello?" Lou answered, a baby voice ringing in the background; Lux.

"Hey, Lou." I greeted.

"How are you, love?"

"Not good. I need a suit and i have no idea where to get one."

"This isn't because of your little date coming up on Friday with Rihanna is it?"

"What have you got to say about this, huh? Everyone does..." I asked curtly.

"It's none of my business, i'm staying out of it." Lou replied, not phased by my former tone.

Thank god Lou is resonable, she doesn't question every move i make like everyone else in the world does. I thought to myself.

"So what is Rihanna wearing? Or do you not know?" Lou changed the subject.

"Yeah she told me earlier, she's wearing a black dress and red stilettos." I rattled off the outfit from memory.

"I'm sure i can pull together something fabulous by Friday, don't worry!"

"Thank you so much, you're a life saver."

"No problem, goodbye love."


And i hung up the phone, grateful to have Lou. She is always there for me, and she doesn't have to be. I don't know what i'd do without her.

"So the suit is taken care of?" Louis asked, pulling out of my jumbled up thoughts.

"Yeah." I answered with a releaved sigh.

"Anything else you might need? Some snacks, a condom?"

"Did you just quote Mean Girls?"


"I swear you're just like a teenage girl sometimes, Lou."

"Hey, It's a classic!" Louis paused to laugh and continued, "Seriously though, is there anything else you need?"

"Some shoes, and maybe a trim."

"Alright, i can do that for you buddy!"

"Yeah, yeah. Let's just go."

And Louis drove off, ruffling my messy hair.

*  *  *  *  *  *

Louis took me to TopShop for my shoes, where we found some really nice black leather shoes that would go nice with anything. Then he took me to get a trim, which was a little more than a trim in my opinion, but it still looked alright so i wasn't pissed.

"You still stressin' out, mate?" Louis asked as he pulled up to my flat.

"A little bit." I lied. Truth is, i'm pretty much shitting myself i'm so nervous.

I can't mess this up, i'm too far gone at this point to ruin what i've started. I need Rihanna in my life. If i can't have her, i'll be lost.

"Don't worry man, if it's meant to be it'll work out. If not, she doesn't know what she's missing." Louis assured me, ignoring my last comment.

Louis is always real with me. No matter how much the truth may hurt, Lou is always there to tell me straight up. And he's usually 10000% correct.

"See you later." I said and leaned across the cars arm rest to give my best friend of 3 years a hug.

"Later." He said, rubbing my back in the soothing way only Louis can.

Then i found myself back at home, not sure what to do with myself.

I guess i'll just get some extra sleep tonight. I settled on and went to the restroom to get ready for bed, setting my cell phone on my night stand by my bed.

When i come back, there is text message waiting for me.

From: Unknown Number

Hey, Styles. I don't think i can wait until Friday, so how about tomorrow you and i go get some lunch and get to know eachother, yeah? ;) Let me know -Riri xo

Oh shit, I curse her mentally. I can't wait for Friday either but i'm scared out of my mind to hang out with her, i almost puked all over the place when she showed up this morning.

I quickly saved her number and pull up a new text message to relpy.

To: Rihanna <3

Sounds great, can't wait to see you love -H. xx

Pressing send, i hopped into bed and rolled over so i wasn't tempted to check for her reply.

What have i gotten myself into? I questioned myself before drifting off to sleep.



Thanks for reading, I hope my chapters aren't boring or anything!

Vote, comment, fan, all that shizz nizzzz c:

-India xx (@ItsLourryYo)

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