Chapter 2.

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"Wake up, love!" Jasmine cooed, shaking me.

"Hmmm..." I grumbled, earning giggles from Jas.

"Food is here." 

"What is it?"

"Get up and you'll find out." 

Then she was gone, laughter echoing throughout the room as Jasmine ran out to the front room where Justin awaited

Climbing off the bed, i slipped on my shoes and made my way out to Justin and Jasmine. They locked lips sloppily, me entering more awkwardly than ever.

"Don't spoil your apetites." I scolded them, trying to hold back my grin.

As much as i hate to admit it, they are adorable together.

They have what i want with Rihanna. A voice in the back of my head naged me.

"So what's this i hear about you and Rihanna going to the Grammy's together on Friday?" Justin asked, his eyebrows raised playfully.

"I don't know." I pretended.

"Is it true?"


"You asked her?"

"No, she asked me."



"Be careful, man." Justin warned me.

"Oh for fucks sake, not you too..." I mumbled.

Why is everyone so concerned about me? I'm a grown man, i can handle myself. I think to myself, annoyed.

"You know how she is, dude. I just don't want you to get hurt." He assured me.

"I think i'll be alright."

"I'm just warn--" Justin started but Jasmine cuts him off.

"I think Rihanna is lovely and maybe she could be willing to change for Harry." She defended.

"I don't know--" He was cut off again.

"JUSTIN." She hissed at him before turning towards me and smiling lovingly.

And this is why i love Jasmine. I silently praise her.

"Well, good luck. I hope you have a great time." Justin buckled down.

"Thanks." I said, giving him a cocky smirk.

"Eat up!" Jasmine said, passing out plates of Chinese food to Justin and myself.

We dig in, grumbling with satisfaction.

* * * * * *

After watching a few movies with Jasmine and Justin, i leave and go home to think things over.

When i get home, i immediately plug my iPhone into the dock on my nightstand and blast Rihanna's music.

Complicated started to play and one line in particular stuck in my mind.

Why is everything with you so complicated

Why do you make it hard to love you

Why does this song resemble my situation so perfectly? I questioned myself.

If Rihanna wasn't so known for being a 'maneater' as they say, Louis and many other people would have no problem with her.

I wished she wasn't caught up in that type of lifestyle, it would make my life easier; but i guess i wouldn't feel how i do if she was anything but herself all the way through.

What if everyone is right? What if i can't change her? The voice i'd been avoiding all day finally got to me.

No. I naged back. Don't give up before you try.

And with a fresh determination set in my mind, i went to sleep; dreams of beautiful chocolate skin, bright hazel eyes, and deep red lips haunting my sleep and the days ahead before the Grammy's.



Chapter 2 everyone! I hope you guys liked it, this is the first time i've ever done a collab so i don't want to mess up haha. Btw, as you've noticed me and Eri have a very different styles of writing so i'm tryng my best to make it all flow c:

Vote, comment, and fan pleaseeee!

-India xx (@ItsLourryYo)

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