Chapter Fifty-One

Start from the beginning

"We will take care of her," he said firmly. "Just sign the damn papers."

Doctor Archer frowned at him, his chin lifting in challenge. "I am sure you are aware, Montgomery your girlfriend has an independent streak a mile long. The thought of her being dependent on anyone just about made her break out in hives this morning when I told her of her limitations upon release." Looking down, he shuffled some papers on his desk. "Not to mention she gave me quite the earful about my mother hen tendencies, and what orifice I could stick them up in," he muttered.

"That sounds like our Harley," Cade said, smirking from the corner.

"Doc, you have no idea," Bo added, scratching his goatee thoughtfully.

Dr. Archer nodded his head, and with a heavy sigh, sat back down. "Look, wherever she ends up, needs to be someplace where someone is going to be home around the clock to watch her, and keep her from disobeying my orders. I know ranchers work some strange hours, that's why I recommended the care facility. We don't need her overreaching, and possibly setting herself back in her recovery. I guarantee she is not going to like the idea, and would rather go home. Beings I don't trust her promise to behave herself, I am rather disinclined to take her word she will do what I say unsupervised." He sat back in his chair, and Travis got a glimpse of how exhausted he appeared to be. "So, I will ask again. What are your plans for my patient once I release her?"

"I have the perfect solution," Travis said as a plan began to form in his head. "If it's okay with you guys, I would like to take her home with me."

"And what makes you think we are just going to let you waltz out the door with her?" Bo asked, turning to face him. Travis could tell by the scowl on his face, his idea wasn't going to be an easy sell.

"I have the one thing you don't."

"And what is that, Princess?"

"I have an Addie." He grinned wide, and faced the Doc. "If it's mother henning you want, then Addie has a master's degree on the subject. She'll make sure Harley doesn't do anything she's not supposed to."

"Does that mean she is also capable of keeping your dick in your pants?" Dr. Archer asked dryly.

If the man hadn't had such a somber look on his face, Travis would have thought he was joking. But, since the man didn't so much as crack a smile, he knew he was completely serious, and he had to resist the urge to punch him square in the nose.

"Anyone ever tell you you're a real asshole, Doc?" Travis snarled.

"All the time," he replied with the first hint of a grin Travis had seen since they were all forced into his office. Reaching for his pen, he quickly scribbled his name across the paperwork, and handed them to Travis. "Now, if you please, you all can get the hell out of my office."

Twenty minutes later, Harley sat dutifully, but grumpily in a wheel chair with two potted plants in her lap, and a bouquet of balloons trailing behind her as a nurse wheeled her out of the hospital. She wanted to walk out of the damn place on her own two feet, but Dr. Archer had refused, stating it was hospital policy. Frankly, she didn't think it had anything to do with policy, and he just got off on making her life a living hell.

But, if behaving and being the good little patient would get her out of here, then she would do whatever it took. Even if that meant sitting in the damn wheelchair with a happy smile plastered on her lips as she waved at everyone wishing her well. Actually, she was beginning to feel like she was on a parade float, and her cheeks burned with embarrassment. Finally reaching the exit, the nurse wheeled her out to a waiting red dually parked in front. The comforting feeling of the fresh morning breeze hitting her face, and the satisfied expression associated with it, disappeared at the sight of Travis bounding out of the driver's side of his truck. Opening the passenger door, he headed towards her.

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