That's a twist!

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From chapter one:

- Kouchou (boss) we have a problem!  - Tessai shouted to him.
-What's going on? - he asked as he walked to Tessai in an another room. Then he saw it...

A woman lied on the floor. She had got (h/l) (h/c) hair she wore blue jeans and and a black T- shirt. Kisuke knew immediately who she is.

- Oi that's a twist.- he laughed akwaredly as he rubbed the back of his neck.
- Who is she? - his friend asked as he raised his eyebrow at him. Kisuke got a serious face.
-That's my fault. - he mumbled under his breathe.
- So? - Tessai didn't give up.
- She doesn't belong to here. - he still was just whispering. Meanwhile Teassai leant to the woman to check her vital signs.
- You know her, right?
- Is she alive?
- Yes but she is unconscious. What happened?
- I don't know yet. I guess her brain needs time to process the whole thing.- he whispered again. He turned around and went in his room.
- Kouchou please talk to me! - but Kisuke was deep in his thoughts and he was walking up and down in the room. He mumbled something under his breathe a few times but Tessai didn't understand.
- Keep her in that room and check her state in every hour. If somebody asks she's one of my friends. - he demanded.
- But at first you have to tell me what happened. At least to me. - Kisuke sighed ... Then he told the whole incredible story to Tessai. He made a face palm as his friend finished his monolog.
- Kouchou with my all respect but you're crazy.
- I know, I know. - he laughed a bit quietly. - I was reckless. - he nodded sadly. - I have to fix this soon.
- And what we'd do if she wakes up?
- I don't know yet. But we have to sand her back home... somehow. That's why I need your help. I need time to figure out something.

One week later:

Tessai looked out of (y/n) meanwhile Kisuke tried to solve the problem. But the time flew fast and he couldn't find a way to help her. He went in her room every night to check on her. He felt like he knew this woman a long time ago because he watched her life through his drones so many times before she got here. He knew exactly (y/n)'s daily routine and he was so angry at himself. She could live her life quietly if he wasn't so selfish.
One night he passed out next to her.
- Kouchou - Tessai whispered to him.
- You have to eat something and rest a bit. - Kisuke opened up his eyes sleepily.
- I have to work. - he replied as he got up.
- But you've barely ate and slept since she's here. - his friend said with concern in his voice. In this moment the woman's hand moved a bit. Kisuke almost reached the door when Tessai saw it and waved to him.
- She's getting awake. - he whispered. The blood froze in Kisuke from these words. What should he tell her? How might she react for this? And so many questions were in his mind. But he had to tell her.

Your POV:

When I woke up I had a serious headache. My shight was blurry. I couldn't remember what happened. I saw somebody set next to me. I tried to sit up, but I collapsed in the person's arms. Then I saw his face. It was familiar from somewhere. That goofy smile, the hat, that pale blond hair... I had a few sec to process what I saw. It can't be... it can't be real...

Kisuke Urahara x Reader/ The experimentWhere stories live. Discover now