Love is Not a Victory March

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51. When the boy tells the girl to promise not to leave when he tells his back-story, but the girl leaves afterwards anyway: Seriously, whenever this happens, I just want to scream. I just do. What about all the trust you built? I mean, I would like to think that the boy I fell in love with was worth the baggage he brought along. That's what love is, right? It's taking that baggage and helping him let it go.

Sorry, I'm watching Tangled, so the whole love thing is on my mind.

52. When the girl has trouble choosing between two guys: A love triangle, in other words. I know, I know, I've mentioned it before, but seriously? What's so difficult? Are you just trying to kill the readers? Because it isn't just the girl that experiences the love triangle. The readers do as well, and they form sides, and some hearts are broken by choices that are made, and wow do you really want to break our hearts? How rude.

53. When the girl falls in love with the guy within the first few days, or vice versa: When this happens, I just want to shoot my foot to relieve myself from the pain of reading that rubbish (Wow, I'm sounding really violent. Is it obvious that my dad and I have been watching the Band of Brothers?) People, THIS IS NOT LOVE!!! This is infatuation. These are just feelings. Love is not a feeling, everyone. True, it begins with feelings, but then it influences your actions, your thoughts, your very morals in some cases. True love is so much more than what the World sees it as these days. It is all-consuming, overpowering, the difference between a change for the better or complete and utter destruction. And if you were wondering, love isn't only reserved for some boy or girl you'll meet one day. It is all around you.

Now that I've acted as a complete mental inspirational speaker from the 80's, let's move on.

54. When the girl says that she hasn't cried since *insert name here* died, but she finally cries again and again and again and again and... Do you get my point? Honestly, I am a sucker for the tear-jerking scenes, but even I get tired of the constant tears sometimes. It takes away from the character, especially if she is supposed to be hardened by the world.

55. When the girl is either insanely good or insanely bad, with no in between: I mean seriously, that describes like two percent of the population of teenagers out there. What about me? I'm neither good or bad, BUT I NEED A MAN, TOO. What about doing a story about a girl that isn't insanely shy because of cruel thing done in the past or so naive that she's portrayed as almost dumb, even though she has perfect grades? What about the rest of us? The ones that stick out in other ways? We may not have a difficult past or present, but we struggle with difficult issues as well. We want to feel special just like the cliche girls.

What about us?

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