Randomnesss(with an extra s)

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36. Incest: Umm, ew? Whenever I read something like this, I want to scream and wash my eyes with holy water. For you authors writing these types of stories, I just have one thing to say, or rather, ask. Is there something wrong with your peewee sized brain? I mean, COME ON! People don't feel attraction for their siblings! And they shouldn't! It's illegal, and don't get me started on if you get pregnant. Do you want you're child to be the next mutated beast? Because according to research, makin' babies with your sibling equals BAD THINGS!

Not to mention its gross...

Just, ew.

37. When the girl is embarrased about their virginity: I'm a virgin. Odds are, so are you. What's so bad about being a virgin. WHAT'S SO BAD ABOUT WAITING FOR SOMEONE SPECIAL?!?! I'm going to be waiting, if that's what you're wondering. A little knowledge about me: I want a fairytale ending, so duh. I'm waiting.

BACK TO THE SUBJECT. I hate it when the hot guy in the story makes fun of the girl because she's a virgin. I HATE IT! Its not like if you're a virgin, you know nothing about the world. Heck, I bet most af the people writing stories like this on here are virgins. Don't be ashamed of your virginity! EMBRACE IT!

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