[ particular ]

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It was one of those very particular evenings, when you start reading a book.

It carried that very particular scent of summer and weeds, which makes you close your eyes and pretend you're somewhere far, far away from the big city. The sky had this very particular cotton candy and flame-ish color, that makes you wish you had a pair of wings, so you could spread them and run your fingers through the clouds. And the people had this very particular aura around them, that only appeared on such very particular Friday days.

Many things were very particular that evening and happened with a reason.

Or at least maybe.

Maybe everything was a huge coincidence, that just happened to meet two souls, who were meant to collide.

And they did.

They bursted in a beautiful explosion, blowing all they ever knew away with one thing, that was stronger than everything.


Cliché, I know, right?

But it's true. Love exits. Love happens. Love lives.

That's what Kim Taehyung strongly believed.

Kim Taehyung.

A boy made of summer rain, paper, ink, flower petals and theory.

A believer.

His soul was light, ethereal, sparkly and innocent.

Everything in his life revolved around books, writing and observing the people around him.

He was always a watcher, never a player.

Until that very particular evening, in that very particular candy shop with the one very particular overly curious and witty Jeon Jeongguk, who showed Taehyung what's it like to be the main character in the only book he never bothered to write.

His own.


yea i know, i know, i barely keep up with two stories, why the fuck am i posting a third one

well, if you haven't noticed, devils maid and cameras are mainly lighthearted comedies with not much depth to them

while its really fun writing them sometimes i miss planting other feelings and reactions into people different than laughter (idk if i even make yall laugh lmao that was sort of cocky im sorry)

so, with this lil story i want to make you feel the whole spectrum of emotions that falling in love brings and the struggles the two people go through to balance all aspects of it

since i am in a relationship right now, and despite being more than happy, we have had our struggles, before and during us being together, so dont think this will be a cheesy lovey-dovey story, im here to show you all the raw emotions love brings from happiness and excitement to jealousy, anger and devastation

because love is all that, no matter how successful a relationship is

ok this authors note became WAY too long and im sorry, i tend to get a little bit carried away, but pls try to support this, humor is great, but i want to show you something more vulnerable

thank you and have a great day

ight! 💕💕💕

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