Cold Hard Cash.

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It was about September, and knowing the Kansas weather, it was hot. My mom had just picked me up from school, and I wasn't having the best day today. When I got in the car, I was greeted by complaints,  My sisters as always, got picked up before me at the High School. I was in 7th Grade at the Middle School.

   ''Why do you always go behind the car where we can't see you?" The middle sister, Ronny said. She mademe go around the car into the street on the rush-hour, when she could scoot over and let me in on the safe side. But that was to hard for her apparently.  I'm usually not one to complain but today was bad, I needed something to cheer me up. I just rolled my eyes at her and threw my bookbag in. As soon as Traffic calmed down we drove off. Instead  of going down 9th street to our Home, where I could plop on my bed with the air-conditioner on High. But instead we turned on Main-Street into the Dollar General parking-lot. I groaned.

      "Will one of you run in and get a bag of Ice?"My mom said. She had a bad arm,and ouldn't carry twenty pounds of Ice. Elouise, my oldest sister, had her earbuds in and was ignoring mom on purpose. Ronny, being the brat she is, had a nice chorus of "uh-uh and noway" getting ready to burst out of her mouth.  Before I got to hear her beautiful song I volunteered.

          "I'll do it I guess." I said, and hopped out of the car. She handed me four bucks through the window. I marched into the store, and Dollar General was quite a small store, with two cashiers up front. But with my luck, only one was in use and the line went to the back of the store. I got in line with the money and I would just get the bag of Ice after I paid. No sense in getting it all melted. After about 20 minutes in line, I was up front. The cashier looked exhausted. She had a line of sweat evolving at her hairline.

              "Tough day huh?One 20lb bag of Ice Please." I ask her. She just nods. She then scans the card, and I hand her 4 solid dollar bills.

            "Sorry Hun, you need 11 more cents."She tells me. Great. Could this day get any worse.

    "Umm just downgrade me to a ten-pounder." I say to her.

        "Wait. here." Then a lady behind me hands the cashier 11 cents. She was holding a "GET WELL SOON!" sign and I looked at curiously. She then said to me:

        "I have four brothers and five sisters, and my mom's got the flu. I think she'll get enough balloons even if I can't give her this one." 

                "Thank you so much! You just really enlightened my day!"

          Even though it was only 11 cents, I thank god for people lie that every day.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2013 ⏰

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