Chapter 3

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We reach a clearing we are all tired and need a rest Frodo especially he isn't surviving but he is certainly fighting.
"Is he going to die?" Pippin asks. Frodo's breathing is getting shallow by the minute.
"No. He is passing into the shadow world, he will soon become a wraith like them," Strider replies. The distant cry of a Ringwraith runs through the air and I get a chill.
"They're close," Merry says nervously. Frodo gasps in sudden pain. I narrow my eyes at a small plant.
"Athelas," I say. Strider looks at me with a sudden realisation.
"Sam, do you know the Athelas plant?" Strider says. Sam looks blank.
"Kingsfoil," I say.
"Kingsfoil. Aye. It's a weed."
"It may help to slow the poison. Hurry!" Strider and Sam get up and walk off to look for the Athelas.
"Will he be alright if we get him to the elves?" Pippin asks.
"I haven't seen them heal something as bad as this so far but they have healed some pretty impressive wounds and brought someone back from near death. I'm sure Frodo will be fine."

Arwen turns up to help Frodo. On her horse she would be able to get him to Rivendell a lot faster. She jumps off Asfaloth.
"Frodo, Im Arwen. I have come here to help you. (Elvish) Hear my voice, come back to the light." Frodo's eyes close.
"Who is she?" Pippin asks.
"Frodo?" Arwen says worried.
"She's another elf," Sam says looking at me. Arwen appears in her earth bound form.
"He's fading...he's not gong to last. We must get him to my father." Strider quickly lifts Frodo placing him on Asfaloth.
"I have been looking for you for two days," she says to Strider then looks at me with a glare she has never really liked me much but we have learnt to tolerate each other.
"Where are you taking him?" Pippin asks.
"There are five Wraiths behind you, where the other four are, I do not know."
"(elvish) Stay with the hobbits...I'll send horses for you," Strider says. Arwen grabs the reins of Asfaloth.
"(Elvish) I'll take him. I'm the faster rider," Arwen says. Strider clamps his hand over hers.
"(Elvish) The road is too dangerous," Strider replies.
"(Elvish) If I can cross the river, the power of my people can protect him."
"What are they saying?" Pippin looks at me I just give him a look like don't worry. Arwen reaches for Strider's hand.
"I do not fear them," Arwen says. Arwen mounts Asfaloth.
"Arwen...ride hard, don't look back," Strider says. Arwen looks down at Strider as she supports Frodo with one hand. "Noro Lim, Asfaloth, Noro Lim!"
"What are you doing! Those Wraiths are still out there!" Sam says. Arwen rides off.
"Not everyone is as scared as you Sam," I say quietly but he hears it.
"I have every right be be scared of those things and so should you!" He says quiet loudly. I turn into a wolf and run after Arwen. "Alea!" Strider yells out as I race past him. It won't take me long to catch up to Arwen, in my wolf form I am faster than any known horse. I catch up to Arwen and she just shakes her head at me and tried to run faster but she knows that I'm much faster than Asfaloth.

We speed through the forest. I'm slightly in front but still by Asfaloth. The only reason I ran after Arwen is because Strider seemed so worried about her at least if there were another with her I can keep the riders at bay if they get too close. We run out of the trees as the sun starts to rise. It's an open land so beautiful. I feel a darkness coming closer and see 2 Ringwraiths emerge from the trees behind and then 2 more from the side. Arwen urges Asfaloth to run faster and I drop back slightly and start running near the wraiths horses who jump and move at my howl. I run back to Arwen and howl behind Asfaloth which makes him run slightly faster. The 4 wraiths start closing in again and I see another 2 coming then 3 more. All 9 are now following us. Asfaloth is tiring and I can see so I keep close beside him if the Ringwraiths start to get too close. "Noro lim, Asfaloth!" Arwen shouts.

The river comes into view and I run a head as the wraiths get closer. Asfaloth jumps into the shallow waters no problem. The Ringwraiths however stop and seem nervous of it. I turn towards the Ringwraiths as Arwen does.
"Give up the Halfling, she-elf!" The Witch King shouts. Arwen draws her sword and yells at the Witch King.
"If you want him, come and claim him," Arwen shouts. The Witch King screeches and draws his sword and starts to lead the other Ringwraiths across the Ford. I hear a distant rumble and see the water flowing. My ears prick and I take a few steps back. The Witch King see's my acts and slows his pace as if waiting for something. Suddenly Arwen stands up in the saddle with her arms raised. "Non o Chithaeglir, lasto Beth daer: Rimmo nin Briunen Dan in Ulaer! Nin o Chitaeglir, lasto Beth daer: Rimmo nin Bruinen Dan in Ulaer!" She chants. A mighty roar fills the air and the ground trembles. A vast torrent of water floods down the river towards the ford. The foam forms the shape of white horses. The Ringwraiths scream terror as the water swallows them up. Their Piercing cries are drowned in the roaring of the river as it carries them away. Frodo starts to loose consciousness and starts slipping. "No, no...Frodo, no! Frodo, don't give in...not now!" Arwen says. I turn back into elf form and stand beside Asfaloth. Frodo's life is slipping away from him. "What grace is given me, let it pass to him. Let him be spared. Save him." There is a bright light and I look away. Arwen suddenly turns and runs up to Rivendell. I follow behind in elf form. I get up and am so out of breath it's not funny. I sit down on the ground and just lie down. Not typical elf behaviour but Wolf elves have always been different and at that moment I really didn't care I was tired.

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