Camila kissed Lauren's cheek. "It's about you. And it's not depressing." She chuckled. "Do you want to read it?" Lauren nodded and Camila handed the notebook over to Lauren and then rested her head on Lauren's shoulder.

a letter to my soulmate

My favorite number is one.

Because there will always be just one of You to love for one lifetime. And You are the only one I want to love. The only one. Do You see that? I love You.




There is one of me and one of You and together we create one love no one else can recreate.

There is only one Sun and one Moon, and I think that, this time, the universe chose them to collide.

And once will be enough.

Camila heard sniffling and quickly looked up at Lauren. "Are you okay?"

Lauren nodded as she wiped away tears. "Yeah." She whispered with a soft smile. "It's just..."

"What?" Camila kissed Lauren's cheek.

"I can't believe someone loves me."

Camila felt her heart tighten at the words. "I'm not the only one that loves you." she said, caressing Lauren's cheek. "Many people love you."

"Not like you. Never like you. With them...there are always reasons why they love me, you know? But with's unexplainable. I can never pinpoint why you could love me. I ponder and ponder and I never reach a conclusion. So I just explained it the way my father would."

Camila looked at Lauren. "How would he explain it?"

"Anything unexplainable is magic." Lauren said softly, taking Camila's hand and kissing it. "If you have an exact reason to love someone, then you don't love them. Love is endless, and so should the reasons for it." She shrugged. "So you're magic. Our love is magic."

Camila smiled and kissed Lauren's lips deeply before wrapping her arms around Lauren's neck, resting her head against Lauren's. "I love you."

Lauren smiled back. "I love you too."

"Let's go out." Camila suggested. "We can go to...a bar. With excellent music to dance to. You and me."

After hearing Lauren's words, Camila knew she couldn't lose her. She had to do something to help her before she lost her for good this time.

Lauren raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

"Magic?" Camila smiled cheekily.

Lauren giggled and kissed Camila's cheek multiple times before shaking her head. "Just because that response was adorable."

Camila smiled before patting Lauren's thigh and getting out of bed. "Get ready then."

"I, uh, don't really have anything nice to wear. Like, to wear to a bar." Lauren blushed. "I mean, have clothes. Just nothing...nicer than t-shirts and flannels." She chuckled.

Camila hummed. "Guess we're going shopping then."

Lauren scrunched up her nose. "I get the feeling we're going to take so long shopping if you're involved."

Camila chuckled and walked over to Lauren and pecked her lips. "Let's find out." She winked.


Camila felt guilt as soon as she held Lauren's hair as the girl puked her guts out on the porcelain toilet when they got home from the bar. Most of the night, they hadn't even talked. It was mostly Lauren being all giggly and rambling about things that didn't make sense while squealing excitedly that every song that came on was "her song" and would start trying to sing along to the song.

Soluna (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now