I'd Call it Art

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My hotel was a mess, there were sheets of plastic taped to the floor and buckets of paint stacked on top of each other. I stood on top of a ladder painting one of the walls. When my door opened I almost fell off, but the ladder was hurriedly steadied by someone.

"Alex! Be careful!" Magnus yelled.

I looked down at him, his hair was tied back in a ponytail and his shirt was just his normal hotel one with a flannel wrapped around his waist.

"Beantown, why are you in here? You almost killed me again."

Magnus looked up at me sheepishly "I, uh, wanted to see what you're up to."

I could have sworn that he was blushing, which was a little ridiculous for me to be imagining, Magnus getting flustered over me, no way in hell that would ever happen, no matter how much I wanted it to.

"Well I am literally up right now," I laughed.

He chuckled "What are you painting?"

I rolled my eyes "My wall Magnus, what else?"

He shrugged.

"I wanted to have them be pink or green, right now I'm settling for pink."

I flicked the paintbrush at him, sending rose colored splatters across his face and body.

"What's that for?"

"You being an idiot, also because you'd look better with some paint."

"Wow, how kind of you."

"I know, I'm always this kind aren't I? But did you really just come to see what I was doing?" I asked.

Magnus smiled nervously as I walked down the ladder, he was oddly still holding onto it though, so his arms trapped me.

"Maggie," I muttered.

Magnus looked me directly in the eyes and sighed "Okay I didn't just come in here to see what you were doing."

I raised an eyebrow, he was getting closer.

I could see every single detail on his cheeks, his blush, his tiny freckles, the splatter of paint spreading from his left cheek to his hair. I could smell his soft scent of summer, and feel his intense warmth over my whole body.

"So what did you come here for?" I asked, instinctively moving back to the ladder as he walked forward."

Magnus looked at me with his soft grey eyes, they seemed to be slowing a little as they examined me.

"Can I kiss you?" He whispered.

I almost fainted, he had dropped his arms and was waiting for a response, for some sort of reaction. I grabbed his shirt and pushed him against the ladder, letting my body do all of the thinking. I kissed him intensely, taking my hands and undoing his hair, forgetting I had a paintbrush in my hand and smearing wall paint all over his hair.

He kissed me back, it was warm like the sun up on a mountain. As we kissed I breathed in the scent of fresh air. He was wrapping his hands around my waist when we fell over onto the floor, knocking over the paint cans, bathing the two of us in pink and green.

Magnus broke away laughing, his hands were mostly green but his hair had almost all pink in it, his shirt was probably ruined, so were all of my clothes.

He pressed his left hand to my cheek and kissed my lips once again, he was glowing. I wrapped my arms around him, mixing the paint even more.

"Our clothes are so ruined Fierro," he laughed, "Along with our hair."

I rolled my eyes and breathed in again, it was summer air and paint. I didn't care about my clothes or hair, or the floor, all I cared about was that I had just kissed Magnus Chase.

"Does this mean we're a thing?" I blurted out.

Maggie looked into my eyes again "If you want it too."

My heart jumped, I nodded and he smiled.


"Don't say that please, I don't want to date someone who sounds like a cartoon turtle, I just want my plain old Maggie, not Franklin."

Magnus blushed and I kissed him again, knocking him to the floor and spreading the paint.

He was mine and I was sure as Helinheim his.

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