Chapter 3 "Slowly breaking through."

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Hey, guys, I got on Wattpad and noticed I had a huge amount of notifications and a shout out to Sakura_Writer_chan, Thanks for being Awesome ;) 

{Previously: Sarah was just getting beat inside a girls restroom by Alexandra and her groupies, for hanging out and getting a ride from Dustin Stone...}

Chapter 3 "Slowly breaking through"

{Sarah's P.O.V}

I made my way to my locker since lunch was already ending and packed my bag leaving it in there so I wouldn't have to worry about wasting time on packing when it was time to leave, I grabbed my music class stuff and headed to specials, it passed quickly and when the bell rang I used my small size to dodge and weave through the crowd, to my locker, grab my things, and get through the crowd up the stairs, out the door, and into the parking lot.

I hopped in my brothers truck... Shortly later he came and got in setting his stuff in the back with mine, he started the car and pulled out of the lot "So why weren't you at lunch?" I kept my eyes on the passing scenery "I had some work to finish..." he left it there and we got home, I headed inside throwing my stuff on my bed, my stepfather wasn't home so he's somewhere, my mom was working, and my brother just dropped his stuff off before going next door to meet up with Derek. So I was alone! I turned on my Music on my phone and plugged in my earbuds I listened to my music while just doing some random things.. I jumped when I felt a sudden tap on my shoulder, I turned around and pulled out one of my earbuds and saw Dustin "How did you get in?" he scratched the back of his head "You left your window open." I looked over "And you just decided to come over why?" he pouted "You've been avoiding me all day, it's not very friendly." I scratched the back of my head "Sorry I've just been busy." he crossed his arms and pouted like a little kid "That's no excuse to ignore your friends." I glared at him "And who said we were friends?" he put a hand on his chest and did an exaggerated breath "How could you say that!?" I rolled my eyes "I know little to nothing about you, you know little to nothing about me, how do you call that being friends?" he sat on my bed and rested his chin on his fist "So then tell me about yourself." I rolled my eyes "Fine, what do you want to know?" he thought for a second "When's your birthday?" I rolled my eyes "October 31st." his eyes widened "You were born on Halloween!?" I shrugged "Yeah." he thought for a second "How old are you?" I let out a sigh "Fifteen..." he laughed "I'm older than you!~" I rolled my eyes and shoved his arm "Okay when's your birthday." he laughed "April 24th, and I'm sixteen." We laughed "So Sarah what's your favorite candy?" I thought for a moment "Skittles, what about yours?" he thought "Snickers." I laughed and he thought for a moment "I'm gonna call you Skittles from now on." I rolled my eyes "And what am I supposed to call you? Snickers?" he laughed "If you want to" I rolled my eyes "I think I'll stick with your real name." he laughed and laid down on his back with his hands behind his head. "So what's your favorite color Skittles?" I glared a little but just rolled my eyes "Black." he rolled his eyes "I said color, Black is not colorful." I rolled my eyes "Fine red." he let out a sigh "What about you?" I sat on my bed criss cross apple sauce "hmm I'd say blue." I laughed "Why blue?" He sat up "Why red?" I smirked "Because red is the color of blood, now answer my question." He glared "Fine blue because of the ocean." I rest my chin on my fists "You have a thing for oceans huh?" he scratched the back of his neck "Yeah..." I titled my head "Why?" , "Well, My mom took me there when I was younger, it was the last memory I had with her..." I felt bad... "Oh... What happened?" he looked a little down "She died..." I let out a little gasp "I'm so sorry..." he smiled a little "It's ok, she didn't suffer." I smiled "That's good." he looked at me "What about you?" I hugged my pillow "My real dad left when me and my brother were younger." he looked at me "Why?" I laughed a little, "He had a younger girlfriend, and didn't want to deal with the responsibility of raising kids... So he left." Dustin put a hand on my shoulder "Have you heard from him since?" I looked at my wall "No, I don't even remember what he looks like.." Dustin got a questioning look "How old were you when he left?" I thought "...Three...? I think." Dustin Sat back "Wow... What a jerk." I shrugged "Anyway moving on, do you have a new mom now?" he shook his head "No not really my dad had a girlfriend but she left just before summer was over, honestly I don't blame her." , "Why?" he laughed and ran his hand through his hair "My father's not really a gentlemen." I didn't really get what he meant but I didn't want to push into something he obviously didn't want to talk about "Your mom re-married right?" I nodded "Yeah, the square..." he laughed "Speaking of which where'd he go?" I shrugged "Probably down to the church group he's in to tell them about how me and my brother are unholy creatures and need help." he made that "Ouch" face and I laughed "Wait how are you guys unholy creatures?" I rolled my eyes "We use curse words, my brothers hooked up with a few girls-" he cut me off "Have you hooked up with any guys?" I shook my head no "Nah, I'm not like that." he laughed it off "Yeah I can see that." I glared and smacked his arm, I don't know why but I feel okay hanging out with him... "What I'm just saying, if you wore clothes that showed off your figure a little." he went behind me and pulled my baggy long sleeve shirt back to where it fit me "See you'd look good, and if you wore something that showed your arms a little-" He went to pull up my sleeves but I yanked my arms away, he looked curious "I don't like showing my arms..." he raised a brow "Why?" I glared and looked away "Cause I just don't." he let it go "Sorry, anyway you were saying?" I looked at him questioning and then it hit me "Oh right the unholy creatures thing, well we also aren't his, and we were created when our mother and father weren't even married, so yeah." he "ahhed" and I nodded "Do you have any other siblings beside your brother?" he scratched his head "Yeah I have my little sister.." I perked up I love little kids, "You have a little sister?" he nodded "Yeah..." I smiled "Can I meet her?" a little tint of pink went across his cheeks but he said "Sure." we went over to his house and down the hall we saw our brothers and they said hey my brother decided to be funny.... "Oh my god, does my innocent little sister finally have a boyfriend!?" I glared "Shut up Xander, We're just friends." Xander pouted, Derek laughed, and Dustin just face the door, his ears looked red though... they're little sister came out of her room "Dustin!" the little girl dressed in a pink tutu, with some pink leggings with white polka dots underneath, and a pink shirt with flowers on it. she had light chestnut brown hair like Dustin, but it only went to her shoulders, she had beautiful blue eyes, and a little pink bow tied in her hair. "Dusty who's da pretty lady?" I blushed at the compliment, Dustin was going to answer but the little girl cut him off "Is she your girlfriend? She's really pretty, Your lucky to have her." Dustin went red "She's not my girlfriend Mack, she's just a friend." she looked at me and I nodded "You guys can keep your relationship a secret as long as you want but I'm not going to be fooled." Derek went into another fit of laughter, both me and Dustin were completely red, Xander was now in a fit of laughter and Mack was just smiling...
{Time skip}
After awhile of hanging out with our neighbors we saw our mom pull in and not only her but our step father get out, both looked highly pissed off... me and Xander went back over to our house and the yelling, fighting, and beating began, after maybe an hour it stopped and everyone finally went to bed, I seemed to not be able to get some sleep so I just sat at my window looking up at the moon, and I noticed a car pull into Dustin's drive way, a man got out and went inside, he didn't look that much different than Dustin and Derek except for the fact that he looked old, and looked like he was a heavy drinker... How would I know? My real dad used to be a heavy heavy drinker... I remember he would yell and hit my mother after drinking something called vodka, bottles of it would just lie around, I remembered drinking some and getting really dizzy and tired, and sleepy, and I slurred all my words... and when I woke up the next day my breath tasted funny and smelled bad. Anyway the man went inside the house and I sat at my window staring at the moon for about an hour before drifting off into sleep...

Hey guys sorry if It's kinda short but I got on and saw that so many of you liked the book so far so I was worrying about getting the chapter perfect for you guys, so I hoped you enjoyed and will keep reading!

 I love you guys

Stay happy

Stay cool


Peace out Peeps

~xoxo Author-chan 

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