twenty three || real life

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august 27th 2017__________

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august 27th 2017

cleo was pacing around her living room, when sebastian knocked at the door.

she was incredibly nervous, even though it was him doing the apologising.

she took a breath before pulling open the door.

"hey!"  she greeted, moving aside so he could come inside.

"hey," he smiled, he was also nervous.

she closed the door behind him and went straight to the kitchen.

"can i get you a drink?" she asked, pulling a bottle of water out of the fridge.

"sure! i'll just have some water please!" he responded, taking a seat on her sofa, smiling when he saw one of the grumpy cat plushies on there.

she grabbed another bottle for him, before sitting beside him.

she handed him the water, before smiling. she just wanted this to be over already.

"so i guess i have some explaining to do huh?" he chuckled.

"i just want to know why you did it," she responded, playing with her hair.

he took a deep breath before running his hand through his hair.

"well it was just after i was away in la filming that movie," he started. "and i'd just been back a couple days, and we were hanging out at your apartment, and i just stopped and looked at you, knowing i couldn't leave you for that long ever again," he smiled to himself. "but i knew that i'd have to leave you again, and again and i couldn't handle being all over the country, while you were back in new york, on your own,"

"and i just knew i had to end it, but i didn't have the fucking balls, so i waited until you'd fallen asleep and i just left. i think it was easier for me to do, because we weren't public," he sighed. "i knew that way, the media wouldn't be on our back, but i swear to god the last thing i wanted to do was hurt you, but i couldn't think of any other way to make you get over me,"

"i thought i was over you, and then you got the role in parks and rec, and i remember being so proud and wondering if i'd done the right thing, leaving you like i did, i still don't know if i did," he looked up at her, to see she was staring intently at him. "anyway, i'm still so incredibly sorry for what i did, and i don't expect you to forgive me,"

he finished talking, and watched cleo, as she tried to think of what to say.

"i want to forgive you, i think," she sighed. "but i can't, not yet,"

"what you did, destroyed me," she saw his face fall. "i tried calling you for weeks, i even went to your apartment, and they said you'd moved, even though i know you hadn't," she chuckled to herself. "when parks and rec became so popular, i wondered if you were watching, and i remember telling myself not to be so stupid!"

"when you got the role in captain america i wanted to call you and congratulate you! i remember watching iron man with you when it came out, and you saying you'd love to be in something like that, and i was so happy for you," she smiled. "and then i realised, i shouldn't still feel that way after 3 years! i became so angry, and whenever i'd see you in a new film i'd remember when you hurt me,"

"that's why i've been so hostile since i joined the cast, i guess," she laughed. "but when the article came out, you were so kind, even though i'd been such a bitch, and it reminded me why i used to lov.. like you so much, why i enjoyed being in your company, and i just can't face being angry at you anymore,"

"i don't forgive you, not yet anyway, i want to start over, i want to be friends again, te extraño mucho," she laughed, making sebastian grin.

she held her hand out to sebastian, and he took it, smiling.

"hi i'm cleo carville,"

"i'm sebastian stan,"


te extraño mucho = i miss you so much

there it isssss !!!

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