My Steam bun! P.4

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Ahhh here comes part 4!!!! This is so fun to write, I'm getting a new cover commissioned by my lovely friend 💝 please remember, corrections are always wanted!!


Chapter 4

You woke up to a brush of a warm hand on your shoulder. "Wakey wakey!!!! Time to get up!" It was Viktor, lifting you up from your deep sleep. "Mhnnnnn..... Okay fine. One sec." You got out your phone just to check your texts and Viktor got up out of bed and started to change.
He was taking off his shirt, revealing his beautiful toned mucles. As he stood there, he slipped on a green robe.
Ohoho, but that wasn't all.
He begun to take off his pants, showing off his fitted boxers and sculpted butt.
Without even noticing it, you were staring into his perfect body. You were lost in its beauty.
As Viktor turned around, looking into your lost eyes he said "hm? Is there something wrong?" "Ah, er uhmm..... N-No! Everything's good!" You reassured him, waving your hands trying to make yourself look innocent of committing such a crime. "Mmm okay. Well, wanna get ready and grab break fast?" He said, offering to help you out of bed holding out his hand. "Sure!" You said, still stunned of what was just in front of your eyes.
You grabbed his hand and got up, you went into the bathroom to get freshened up. You brushed your hair, put it up in a bun, brushed your teeth and got outside where Viktor was waiting, in a running pose.
"What's this?" You asked. "Weeeell (y/n), I challenge you to a race to the front lobby." Viktor replied, with a devious look on his face. "Challenge accepted. Let's see who will win!" you said with a great sportsman voice. "Let's count." Viktor said.

You got in position.
You were keen on winning.
You knew you were going to win.


You both cheered as you started to race down the hallways! You dodged corners, skipped stairs, slid on carpets, and finally! Got down to the lobby.

As you skid to a stop, you looked around to see if you DID win or not.
Yes!!! You beat him!!
As you waited for him to appear, he turned the corner and came in panting.
"*pant* y'know, *pant* you're a fast runner! Ehehe.. *pant*" he said, flopping down in front of a nearby table. "You know, for a world figure skater, I thought you'd be better at running!" You said curiously. "You said it, I figure skate, I don't do track silly!" You both giggled in agreement.
You sat down and out of no where Viktor got up, went behind you and got down. "What are y-" He covered your eyes. Then he whispered into your ear,
"Trust me in this one."
As you blushed all over the place, you nodded and he ordered something to a waiter you couldn't make out as he whispered it.
"Just a second sweetheart. You're going to love this."
You didn't know what to to;; you just sat there and wait, drowning in concern.
After About 1 minuet had passed, he let go and scrambled back into his Place.
A steamer was in the centre of the table. as he lifted the lid, a cloud of steam escaped the woven steamer and revealed 2 pink steam buns, perfectly made. You glanced at every feature, with the scent of strawberry jam emerging.
"Ta-daaa! Strawberry steam buns! Hope you like!" While Viktor looked into your eyes for approval.
"Oh my gosh I love steam buns!!! Thanks Viktor!" You replied chirping.
You picked up one of the buns, slowly took a bite while Viktor stared eagerly into your eyes for your opinion.
"Theesh ar delshus!" You said with your mouth full of strawberry heaven. "I know right! That's why I got some, I thought you'd like them!" He winked, finishing off his sentence.
Viktor too took the other steam bun and took a bite. He too enjoyed it, as you could tell with jam oozing from the bun. You giggled at the view, letting jam run down your chin.

"Oh uhm... *gulp* could you get the jam on my chin?? My hands are too sticky to wipe it myself..." You asked, not sure if it was appropriate. "Hm??? Oh yea, s-sure one second,,," Viktor nervously grabbed a napkin, leaned closer to you and rested his fingers under your chin. A shock went through you, resulting in blushing. He started to so gently wipe whatever was left on your chin. As you looked to the side, trying not to make eye contact, your eyes were drawn to Viktors. As you too gazed into each others eyes, you two realized it was time to well, stop. "Uh.. Eh.. Thanks...." You said, still staring into his eyes with no expression, not bothering to cover your blush. "Mhm! No problem,,," he replied, also not bothering to hide his rosy Cheeks.

Your phone broke the silence after a few seconds of getting lost, it was a call from yuuko. You swiped and answered,

(Y/N) - "yo! Wassup?"
Yuuko - "nothin much! Pack up your stuff hun, about to come and get you!"
(Y/N) - "okay! See ya Hun!
Yuuko - "bye!"


"Sorry Viktor! But I got to go, I'm gunna go get ready!" You scattered off to his room to get your things.
Viktor sat and watched you leave the table, thinking about his feelings for you. He thought maybe you liked him back?? Whatever. He was always wrong when it came to women. But maybe, juuust maybe, you were the one.

you packed up whatever you took out, texted yuuko that you were ready and walked back to Viktor, sitting at the table.
"Okay! Time for me to go. See you!" You said, holding out your arms wanting a hug. "Bye!!" He returned the embrace and told you "you know, since you loved those steam buns, I'm going to call you my steam bun." He said happily. You slipped out of the hug, looking at him while holding his hands saying "I like that. And also, here's my number." As you passed him a piece of paper and skipped towards the doors where yuuko was honking outside, waiting for you.
"You gotta learn how to be quicker, (y/n)!!" Yuuko shouted out the window. "We were saying goodbye!! Slow down yuu!" You replied, you both giggling. You hopped in shotgun, and drove off laughing.

~Viktors perspective~
i didn't know what else to do but blush, blush some more, and blush even MORE. I love the way she flirted and I even got her number!! Her number!!! You whipped out your phone and added the number as a contact and changed the name to "My steam bun 💝"
I'm so happy that I got her number! Now we can talk, even if we're apart.

Ah!!! Finally got to finishing this!! This took FOREVER to write so you better like it!! (Lmao) anyways, see you all in chapter five!! Get ready for some cuteness between you and yuuko💕 I just want to even things out and do some stuff with her💗

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